We have been having such a good time with Jason, it is going to be hard to see him go! Just a quick recap of the days thus far.....
Thursday 7/24 Moved to higher grounds....left Laredo just in time for the hurricane to hit, and snuck off to Christina's class only to not have classes from Christina but to have classes from her sister Ann. Ann taught great classes, but I was looking for my Christina fix. Picked up the boys, and headed to SA where Jason's plane came in on time so I was a bit late...ooops! Hey better late then never right?
Friday 7/25 Had lunch at Cheesecake Factory- YUM!!! Of course I had a piece cheesecake...how can you not! My fav is banana creme- OMG! (in a high pitched voice) LOVE IT!! Took the boys to children's museum- lots of fun, and hung out with fam and friends.
Saturday 7/26 Went to Lifetime Fitness with friends Claudia, David and Lauren, and hung out at the pool/water park thingy. Blast! Ty was able to show off his swimming abilities, and Cade just splashed around (remember he is a swimming lesson drop out). Onto Austin where Jason had his first acupunture session ever...all I can say is that Craig Williams is FABULOUS!!!! If you need acupunture this is the guy! Check him out in my links section.
Sunday 7/27 I went to a decorating class with Beka. This is my other passion. I love to decorate! I was great info and the theme was color. Hello...I love color, I am all about it. Life without color is not worth living! Not to mention accessories! Jason had another session with Craig, and went to dinner with our family date night friends from here in austin, Andrew Rebecca, Aidan and Ava.
Today 7/28 well here I am musing, and the boys are playing with trains. Jason is with Craig, and we are heading back to Laredo later today. We are stopping in SA to update my military ID, and on to Laredo.
I-35 and I have been close this last week between Laredo, Austin, SA, Austin, SA, Laredo. At the end of the week, I will meet again with the close highway of mine to go to Sea World and drop Jason off *tear*.
So off to get ready to go. More to come :0
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Busy Day
Let me start by saying that we are fine! For those that have emailed or called concerned with the weather and how Dolly is effecting (is it affect or effect- I get confused) us, not to worry....it is very windy and very rainy, but no hurricane and no power outages as of yet. Who knows if there is more to come. Hope not cause I got things to do!! During swimming it was raining, but the kids were already wet, so no biggie, so long there was not lightening. After that, we stayed indoors yesterday, just because we were getting ready for today, and it was drizzling on and off, but the top fell out last night. I am looking out the window as I write, and the trees are really blowing everywhere. You really never see that in South Texas. We are off to Austin/SA to pick up Jason this am. He is here for 10 days. I am really excited about it!
I am driving straight to Austin to take classes from Christina first, then pick up the boys at my aunts house and down to SA I go. Jason comes in about 8:45 tonight, so it works out perfect! Gotta get my practice with Christina on when I can :)
We have all kinds of things scheduled while he is here. Not sure how much I will be at the computer, but will definitely update with pics and such once he is gone *sniffle*.
Off to pack the truck and get organized. Don't worry I will be careful mom!
I am driving straight to Austin to take classes from Christina first, then pick up the boys at my aunts house and down to SA I go. Jason comes in about 8:45 tonight, so it works out perfect! Gotta get my practice with Christina on when I can :)
We have all kinds of things scheduled while he is here. Not sure how much I will be at the computer, but will definitely update with pics and such once he is gone *sniffle*.
Off to pack the truck and get organized. Don't worry I will be careful mom!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Poetry in Motion
This past weekend I was in San Marcos with Christina for a teacher training "part two". This was a continuation from the one I attended in June. I can't even begin to tell you how great it was to be with my Kula again. The more that it settles in that I am gone from Austin for a long while, the more I miss my Anusara community. I love the fact that I can walk into a room, people are happy to see me, we are all excited catching up, and even though we are all different, we are all there for the same reason....the first day was such a reminder of that, as well as we really aren't all that different.
Anyway, one of the exercises that we had to do was bring in your favorite poem to class. Oh SHIT! Do nursery rhymes count. As I went through in my head- hey diddle diddle, Mary had a little lamb, jack be nimble...dam nothing is working! This point in my life folks with two toddlers. That is the closest to "poems" that I have gotten in a while. Besides the fact that my daily routines and such were turned up side down with my first born, things like reading, journaling, naps, etc, have gone down the toilet as well. I barely get time to go to the bathroom by myself....
So I was staying with Pammy, who is the queen of inspiration and writing, asking for her help, she through like 5 books at me (really didn't throw), so that I could go through. This was the morning that it was due, and I was doing this right before we left. Totally had forgotten the night before. Pam also pulled out folders in which she was keeping inspirational pieces that she has collected over the years....WOW! Going through books, articles etc. I found this one...It really hit home for me. Others did too, but this spoke to me, and is in conjunction with the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga. For Anusara Yoga to be Anusara Yoga there are certain ingredients that need to be present (just like pound cake story- ha external linking~for those in my training). Heart based themes are a big/main ingredient. According to the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga ( I got that line down pact), everything is good. We are part of the Divine being all Good, and therefore we are all Good! So this poem hits that home for me.
Being Human Is Being Special
by Naomi Drew
I look in the mirror and who do I see,
My very own person who looks just like me.
I look at my eyes, I look at my face,
Knowing that no one on earth or in this space
Is quite like I am, one of a kind.
My body is special and so is my mind,
Each person alive has something to give.
We each make a difference each day that we live.
I love myself and I love others too.
The world is a special place,
'Cause it has me and you.
*tear* *sniffle* I just really love it!
So off to swimming classes...more later on Inspiration and stuff.
~Special thanks to Pam, and to Christina for much inspiration and helping my knowledge and thoughts grow and expand beyond my boundries and my box!
Anyway, one of the exercises that we had to do was bring in your favorite poem to class. Oh SHIT! Do nursery rhymes count. As I went through in my head- hey diddle diddle, Mary had a little lamb, jack be nimble...dam nothing is working! This point in my life folks with two toddlers. That is the closest to "poems" that I have gotten in a while. Besides the fact that my daily routines and such were turned up side down with my first born, things like reading, journaling, naps, etc, have gone down the toilet as well. I barely get time to go to the bathroom by myself....
So I was staying with Pammy, who is the queen of inspiration and writing, asking for her help, she through like 5 books at me (really didn't throw), so that I could go through. This was the morning that it was due, and I was doing this right before we left. Totally had forgotten the night before. Pam also pulled out folders in which she was keeping inspirational pieces that she has collected over the years....WOW! Going through books, articles etc. I found this one...It really hit home for me. Others did too, but this spoke to me, and is in conjunction with the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga. For Anusara Yoga to be Anusara Yoga there are certain ingredients that need to be present (just like pound cake story- ha external linking~for those in my training). Heart based themes are a big/main ingredient. According to the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga ( I got that line down pact), everything is good. We are part of the Divine being all Good, and therefore we are all Good! So this poem hits that home for me.
Being Human Is Being Special
by Naomi Drew
I look in the mirror and who do I see,
My very own person who looks just like me.
I look at my eyes, I look at my face,
Knowing that no one on earth or in this space
Is quite like I am, one of a kind.
My body is special and so is my mind,
Each person alive has something to give.
We each make a difference each day that we live.
I love myself and I love others too.
The world is a special place,
'Cause it has me and you.
*tear* *sniffle* I just really love it!
So off to swimming classes...more later on Inspiration and stuff.
~Special thanks to Pam, and to Christina for much inspiration and helping my knowledge and thoughts grow and expand beyond my boundries and my box!
Monday, July 21, 2008
I love pictures
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Potty Training, Gymnastics and Swimming- OH MY!!
One week has passed and I am proud to report that Cade is doing great with his potty training...in fact there is no more timer, and he is going on his own. We have got the "pee pee" down, and now working on the poops...it's usually the last to come. I know for those who don't have kids TMI, but sorry, this is where my life is right now. In fact, I rock since I had to do it on my own (look I have to pat myself on the back to be able to move on!). With Jason gone I had to count on Ty (my 4 yr old) to help, but in between computer games, superheros, and his own agenda, I was really on my own. You know these 4 yr olds have a very busy schedule!
So I wanted plenty of activities for the month of July since it is unbelievably hot here, and I can't just keep the boys contained in 4 walls. We started gymnastics and swimming classes. Saturday was our first gym class. Ty loved it Cade screamed the entire time. In fact, he would not even participate unless I was in the gym. Just my luck, I thought I would have 1 hour of peace, and instead I was among 10 or so running toddlers...story of my life. We will try again this weekend only my mom will be taking them since I will be in Austin for teacher training (well really San Marcos). Swimming started on Monday. Ty LOVES it, and of course Cade ran around screaming and yelling NO! If you have not seen a pattern yet with Cade, well one is arising. I don't even want to think how it will be when he starts school. Cade is one of those kids who have a hard time with change, which is not in my favor being a military family. Once he gets a chance to get in the groove so to speak, he will be fine, but it is always a battle at first. Ty was always so easy, so I am not sure how to handle these things sometimes. Swimming classes are 45 minutes in the pool. Monday Cade was in the pool for 20 minutes then he was put in time out for running around and not listening. Who gets put in time out during swimming class? Yesterday he was in the pool for 7 minutes, and wanted out, he was done. He came to me and said "mommy dress now!". My first thought was "no, you ARE going to get in the pool and you WILL have fun!!, but then I came to my senses. Seriously Jen, forcing him to have fun. I am not going to force him to have fun, but I do want him to try it. We will try again today, and if not, I will not take him back. Perhaps next year. Hopefully I can get my money back...we shall see. Send good thoughts our way.
That's all for now. Have to get ready for swim class... I need to really hype it up so he wants to go and it will be his idea...you see what I have to deal with folks??
Do they take 3 year olds in boarding school?? haha
So I wanted plenty of activities for the month of July since it is unbelievably hot here, and I can't just keep the boys contained in 4 walls. We started gymnastics and swimming classes. Saturday was our first gym class. Ty loved it Cade screamed the entire time. In fact, he would not even participate unless I was in the gym. Just my luck, I thought I would have 1 hour of peace, and instead I was among 10 or so running toddlers...story of my life. We will try again this weekend only my mom will be taking them since I will be in Austin for teacher training (well really San Marcos). Swimming started on Monday. Ty LOVES it, and of course Cade ran around screaming and yelling NO! If you have not seen a pattern yet with Cade, well one is arising. I don't even want to think how it will be when he starts school. Cade is one of those kids who have a hard time with change, which is not in my favor being a military family. Once he gets a chance to get in the groove so to speak, he will be fine, but it is always a battle at first. Ty was always so easy, so I am not sure how to handle these things sometimes. Swimming classes are 45 minutes in the pool. Monday Cade was in the pool for 20 minutes then he was put in time out for running around and not listening. Who gets put in time out during swimming class? Yesterday he was in the pool for 7 minutes, and wanted out, he was done. He came to me and said "mommy dress now!". My first thought was "no, you ARE going to get in the pool and you WILL have fun!!, but then I came to my senses. Seriously Jen, forcing him to have fun. I am not going to force him to have fun, but I do want him to try it. We will try again today, and if not, I will not take him back. Perhaps next year. Hopefully I can get my money back...we shall see. Send good thoughts our way.
That's all for now. Have to get ready for swim class... I need to really hype it up so he wants to go and it will be his idea...you see what I have to deal with folks??
Do they take 3 year olds in boarding school?? haha
Friday, July 11, 2008
In the Depths of Potty Training
So since Monday I have been potty training my long over due 3 year old. We tried before he turned 3 in Jan but to no avail. We tried again after he turned 3 in Feb, only to be left up to my ears in diapers. I gave up for March- couldn't deal with rejection, tried again in April, but obviously I am in the process now. May was crazy with the move coming, and June I was in the middle of no where.....so here we are in July, and I am determined! We started off the morning on Monday with the whole ritual of throwing all the diapers in the trash. Cade actually threw them in himself, as myself, Ty and my mom said good bye to "diapies". The timer came on. With my first I used a timer 30 min time frames and within 2 weeks completely completely potty trained before he turned 3...this second one is a different monster. Anyway, so when the timer goes off, we all yell "Pee Pee time!", and there is a conga line to the potty. Cade loves praise so we make a big deal when he goes....I am happy to report that even though it is a lot of work, he is doing great. No accidents since Monday morning, and he wakes up dry in the morning..oh wait "PEE PEE TIME" be right back.......
OK back...score! After staying indoors for two days, we ventured out on Wed. First we went to Target so Cade could pick out his "big boy" chones (chones= underwear{Spanish slang}). I did that with Ty, and he wanted cars, batman, spiderman etc. As we stood there in front looking at the complete display, I called out a few, but he went straight for Dora the Explorer. Now for those who don't know they don't make Dora in boys. The ones he had in his hands were pink and lacy. What a struggle trying to get the Dora underwear out of his hands. I had to remove all the Dora underwear in sight. We finally decided on Diego, Thomas the Train, and Mikey Mouse. Geeze, what an ordeal. Here's a pic.
Thomas the Train chones
So now I have two peas in a pod- Speed Racer & Thomas chones
So after Target, we went to my grandfathers ranch. Now you have to know that here in South Texas, you have to have a ranch...seriously. People in Laredo are all about their ranches. So we went for a couple of hours. I was a bit nervous because until this point, Cade had run around in his birthday suit and had been sitting down to potty. Now he was going to get to go in the great outdoors standing up. Well folks all was well...we made it through.
Ty, Cade, Tony & Savannah on Tata's tractor

Since then we have been out and about, going to potties wherever we go. I have never been to so many public restrooms...I don't recommend it if you don't have to!!
We are working on #2... it is a work in progress..I know you all really wanted to know that :)
Long over due, we took poor Oliver to the beauty shop yesterday. Poor dog looked like he was a trash eating, back alley, roaming the streets, homeless dog. He had not been groomed since the beginning of May. Don't get me wrong he still is that kinda dog (LOL for those who know my dog), but is now groomed. He was clean the entire time, just could not see out of his eyes (me laughing)
Here's a pic with his bandanna. For those who don't know Oliver is always dressed.
I think today we are venturing out some more today....wish me luck! 5 days down, and counting-trust me!
Oh, Jason flies in July 24Th....I am SOOOOOO excited. He will be here in TX until Aug 2ND. Then I won't see him until I fly up for his graduation Oct. 30Th. uggghh, what a trip!
OK back...score! After staying indoors for two days, we ventured out on Wed. First we went to Target so Cade could pick out his "big boy" chones (chones= underwear{Spanish slang}). I did that with Ty, and he wanted cars, batman, spiderman etc. As we stood there in front looking at the complete display, I called out a few, but he went straight for Dora the Explorer. Now for those who don't know they don't make Dora in boys. The ones he had in his hands were pink and lacy. What a struggle trying to get the Dora underwear out of his hands. I had to remove all the Dora underwear in sight. We finally decided on Diego, Thomas the Train, and Mikey Mouse. Geeze, what an ordeal. Here's a pic.
Thomas the Train chones
So now I have two peas in a pod- Speed Racer & Thomas chones
So after Target, we went to my grandfathers ranch. Now you have to know that here in South Texas, you have to have a ranch...seriously. People in Laredo are all about their ranches. So we went for a couple of hours. I was a bit nervous because until this point, Cade had run around in his birthday suit and had been sitting down to potty. Now he was going to get to go in the great outdoors standing up. Well folks all was well...we made it through.
Ty, Cade, Tony & Savannah on Tata's tractor
Since then we have been out and about, going to potties wherever we go. I have never been to so many public restrooms...I don't recommend it if you don't have to!!
We are working on #2... it is a work in progress..I know you all really wanted to know that :)
Long over due, we took poor Oliver to the beauty shop yesterday. Poor dog looked like he was a trash eating, back alley, roaming the streets, homeless dog. He had not been groomed since the beginning of May. Don't get me wrong he still is that kinda dog (LOL for those who know my dog), but is now groomed. He was clean the entire time, just could not see out of his eyes (me laughing)
Here's a pic with his bandanna. For those who don't know Oliver is always dressed.
I think today we are venturing out some more today....wish me luck! 5 days down, and counting-trust me!
Oh, Jason flies in July 24Th....I am SOOOOOO excited. He will be here in TX until Aug 2ND. Then I won't see him until I fly up for his graduation Oct. 30Th. uggghh, what a trip!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Pound Cake- All the Ingredients
So here is the deal with the pound cake story. I learned this throughout the weekend of Anusara Yoga teacher training back in June. Basically is getting down to the basics of things and building from there. Whether it is learning something new, or refining something you have been doing it is always a good start with a basic recipe. Still confused? Well, take teaching yoga for instance. Anusara Yoga to be specific. There is a basic formula that has to be in place for the class to be an Anusara Yoga class. If I don't plan out in advance or stick to basics I know and just jump in without following the "formula" there is a possibility that two things can happen. I could be really lucky it can go great, or it can really take a spiral down fast. I write of this because I am on a path to get certified in the Anusara Yoga method. I am in my final stages of becoming Anusara- Inspired status. The first step to the certification process. It's a long road people, but not difficult. My goal is to finish this by the time we leave for the islands. So really this fall. Even though this example basically is for me (well it is my blog anyway), really this example can go for anything in life. I obviously used teaching yoga because that is what I do. What do you do? By "baking a basic pound cake" (taking something on with care and precision), following the recipe to a T (really thinking it through), there is little room for error(unless you are like me that can burn toast), but seriously, there is a big difference. I learned in my training, that if you just bake a basic pound cake, follow the all the directions you will make a yummy cake, and edible cake. Once all of that is in place, and you can bake the recipe without looking at it, you are ready to add chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, etc. So many times in my life, I have jumped in with two feet, not thinking things through, and then once I am in, I am like "now what?" We can cultivate this sense of thought, planning, and putting it into motion the more we do it. For me and teaching yoga, I will get that pound cake recipe down, cause I really want to add chocolate chips..I love chocolate!! Thanks to all that support me through this journey, and to all my students from the Y and Dell who have allowed me to come into their lives and teach them something about this thing called yoga! (I hope I have anyway). Special thanks to my husband who has supported me since I started this new career of mine with training back in 2006. My love to you! Even though they can't read yet, thanks to my two vibrant boys whom I have missed weekends, evenings etc...Love you puk and coto. My cousin Beka and Sarah, and my mom whom have all watched my children when my husband had conflicting schedules...I could not have done it without you! OK now this is sounding like I have just won an academy award....Well I will be famous some day. I am constantly told I could win an award for Drama Queen...hehe
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Deep in the Heart (I mean) South of Texas!!!
Hi everyone I am back!!! I arrived to Texas ground yesterday (Saturday)safely and in one piece. My brother was impressed with my driving skills and the ability to get up and go.....when I am on a mission step aside!! I needed to get back to Texas. Remember the goat story? Which by the way, after a few more times of the critter getting out, I was labeled the goat whisperer. After that, it was time that I honed into my super spidey senses and skills. Like I said, it was twice that the goat got out after the "big capture", then the third time, I just had to go up to her, say a few magic words (I can't disclose), and she went back in her pen. I did that a few times. Now that's good!! (lol) Again don't try this at home. Not all have the gift, and I have made a point and a promise to use my powers for good and not evil!
Anyway, I made it to my mom's house and began to get situated, well as much as I could. My mom lives alone, but seriously has a ton of SHtuff. Mission time is upon me, I will tackle more today, was just to tired from traveling 20 hours to get here yesterday. Let it be known that I was really sad to leave GA...really I was! Here is the thing, I like the outdoors and the clean air, really I do. I spend quite a bit of time with the boys outdoors, it keeps me sane. I just had the issue of things to do, instead of catching goats and walking around the woods...that can take the thrill only so far (although the goat story does rock). I enjoyed eating fresh veggies and fruits, fresh eggs as my father-in-law would say "fresh off a chickens ass.", but the "things" that I enjoy were pulling me back to TX. Kelly, if you are reading this, I may have given up to early, but that's OK. I have Starbucks, a mall, facialist, pedicurist, grocery stores that I like etc...You are a brave brave and stronger person than I was to last 8 weeks...you are my GA conquering hero! I like things way tooooooo much!!
So now that I am here, I will get situated, the boys will have some swimming lessons, school begins Aug 11, I will work on my Anusara Yoga Inspired status by the time I leave for the island, and I will taking a writers course. I have found that I enjoy these musings, and about 2 years ago I submitted this writing test, and low and behold, I was accepted. I had not done anything because I was taking my yoga teacher training, my anusara immersion, teaching public classes, taking care of two boys, juggling the grad school schedule with Jason so on and so on.....but now, I will have so much time to myself! The boys are starting school full time 8:30-3:30, and I am hoping to find a part time teaching job, and study and write. I am excited about it!!
So turning a new chapter in my life, perhaps I will get as good as you Christina, and write a book. For those of you who don't know my teacher Christina Sell, has a book out "Yoga from the inside out". An inspiring and insightful book that really hits home with self-love and self-image which now a days most women in society have issues with. Here comes a tangent: I have to tell you, after reading that book, reflecting and practicing yoga I have come to terms with who I am, the way I look, and my life in general. I can't tell you how I struggled with these things, and don't get me wrong I still do at times, but I am such a different person now, and know how to deal with it better. For that I am much happier and nicer person, and so is my family. Society paints this picture of what we, women, should look like, or what size we should be etc. This book really sheds a new light o things, you should read it if you need some inspiration or if you just want to. I started off because I just wanted to, and I am soooooooooooo glad I did!!! OK, done with that!! Small commercial for my teach! You can order her book from her I think?? Christina let me know if there is an easier way? I have her blog here and her website in my links, and if you are interested and still have problems contacting her let me know and I can hook you up! I have connections!! hehe
I seriously have so many stories to share with you some that I even laugh at during my month stay, but ohhh so much to say and so little time right now....but I do have my computer full time now. Jason and I were talking, well more like me complaining and him just listening, discussing and recapping this and that, and the Internet thing came up. Here I was complaining (see here it is again- I need to work on that) about his parents not have access for me and saying in my blog "seriously who doesn't have Internet", so I think that I am going to invest in a laptop or notebook with wireless Internet so I have it always! I have just found that I need more that I thought, and with my writing course and such, I will need it. I have a computer for now, so I am good, but definitely before we leave for the islands. Another problem solved.
More to come folks, and I have not forgotten about my pound cake story. I can blog daily or so now that I have access.
****Shout out to my Dell peeps! Thanks for tuning in!! I miss Y'all (I can say that now that I am back in TX)
Anyway, I made it to my mom's house and began to get situated, well as much as I could. My mom lives alone, but seriously has a ton of SHtuff. Mission time is upon me, I will tackle more today, was just to tired from traveling 20 hours to get here yesterday. Let it be known that I was really sad to leave GA...really I was! Here is the thing, I like the outdoors and the clean air, really I do. I spend quite a bit of time with the boys outdoors, it keeps me sane. I just had the issue of things to do, instead of catching goats and walking around the woods...that can take the thrill only so far (although the goat story does rock). I enjoyed eating fresh veggies and fruits, fresh eggs as my father-in-law would say "fresh off a chickens ass.", but the "things" that I enjoy were pulling me back to TX. Kelly, if you are reading this, I may have given up to early, but that's OK. I have Starbucks, a mall, facialist, pedicurist, grocery stores that I like etc...You are a brave brave and stronger person than I was to last 8 weeks...you are my GA conquering hero! I like things way tooooooo much!!
So now that I am here, I will get situated, the boys will have some swimming lessons, school begins Aug 11, I will work on my Anusara Yoga Inspired status by the time I leave for the island, and I will taking a writers course. I have found that I enjoy these musings, and about 2 years ago I submitted this writing test, and low and behold, I was accepted. I had not done anything because I was taking my yoga teacher training, my anusara immersion, teaching public classes, taking care of two boys, juggling the grad school schedule with Jason so on and so on.....but now, I will have so much time to myself! The boys are starting school full time 8:30-3:30, and I am hoping to find a part time teaching job, and study and write. I am excited about it!!
So turning a new chapter in my life, perhaps I will get as good as you Christina, and write a book. For those of you who don't know my teacher Christina Sell, has a book out "Yoga from the inside out". An inspiring and insightful book that really hits home with self-love and self-image which now a days most women in society have issues with. Here comes a tangent: I have to tell you, after reading that book, reflecting and practicing yoga I have come to terms with who I am, the way I look, and my life in general. I can't tell you how I struggled with these things, and don't get me wrong I still do at times, but I am such a different person now, and know how to deal with it better. For that I am much happier and nicer person, and so is my family. Society paints this picture of what we, women, should look like, or what size we should be etc. This book really sheds a new light o things, you should read it if you need some inspiration or if you just want to. I started off because I just wanted to, and I am soooooooooooo glad I did!!! OK, done with that!! Small commercial for my teach! You can order her book from her I think?? Christina let me know if there is an easier way? I have her blog here and her website in my links, and if you are interested and still have problems contacting her let me know and I can hook you up! I have connections!! hehe
I seriously have so many stories to share with you some that I even laugh at during my month stay, but ohhh so much to say and so little time right now....but I do have my computer full time now. Jason and I were talking, well more like me complaining and him just listening, discussing and recapping this and that, and the Internet thing came up. Here I was complaining (see here it is again- I need to work on that) about his parents not have access for me and saying in my blog "seriously who doesn't have Internet", so I think that I am going to invest in a laptop or notebook with wireless Internet so I have it always! I have just found that I need more that I thought, and with my writing course and such, I will need it. I have a computer for now, so I am good, but definitely before we leave for the islands. Another problem solved.
More to come folks, and I have not forgotten about my pound cake story. I can blog daily or so now that I have access.
****Shout out to my Dell peeps! Thanks for tuning in!! I miss Y'all (I can say that now that I am back in TX)
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