So I can't believe that it has been over a week since I have blogged...where has the time gone??
I have been busy, and some days not so busy...I have spent some good time with my grandmother that I would not have if the boys were with me. We have been to lunch and shopping...I LOVE SHOPPING!! It is so funny how my shopping has changed. Before I would buy only for me, and not think about anyone else. Now, I walk into a store, and think about my boys. My grand purchase for the day was cookie cutters. Giant cookie cutters with the letters of the alphabet in stainless steel. It has been raining here, and how fun would it be to make cookies with the boys in their initials and decorate with icing?? Great indoor activity! I'll let you know how it goes. For those of you laughing right now..stop! I know, my grandmother and I laughed a bit too, but I can do this..I know I know, it has never been my forte, but I want to now...that's the difference! Going back to my grandma, she has always been a big part of my life. She is the best grandmother in the world! (of course I would say that!) Now that she is a bit older (88), she can't move as fast, but that does not stop better step aside when that walker comes your way! Anyway, needless to say, we have had some fun! On the days that I was around the house, I have been working on my immersion questions (these are the ones that I need to turn in toward the next step in my certification process). I am enjoying looking up the one's that I am not sure about, and I am loving the fact that I know a bunch...who knew? I guess it is all up there somewhere in my head!?
So let me tell you what has been weighing heavy on my heart. I was watching TV the other day (can you believe it, and it wasn't Thomas the train, or shrek or any cartoon) and on this talk show they are having a contest about a life experience that has happened to you, good or bad, that has changed your life forever. I could not help but begin to cry. We all have our stories and our experiences that we have been through. I truly believe that they are vital in out growth and our learning. The outcome of mine was falling in love, getting married, and have two wonderful boys! My story is to long to go through right now, but perhaps for another musing? The long of the short of it is .... LIFE IS TO SHORT! I learned that we never know what curves life brings, and we should always live the best life we can day by day! We all go through our daily routines, sometimes not stopping to realize that we just went through this whole week without reaching out to someone, telling someone how you feel about them, giving a hug, a compliment, or just extending a had out to someone. FOLKS WE NEED TO!! I know that I am guilty of this and I need to be better at it. For a while I was and then you get so wrapped up in the mundane things that you forget the important ones. After thinking long and hard I have made some decisions, and I will put some actions in to play. I want to live each day like I won't have another...I hope you do too!
Going back to the contest, the winners will have song written about their experience by a professional songwriter and get flown to NY...pretty cool!
Not that I will enter, but if anything...something to think about!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
All the time in the world- no time for anything
So since the boys have been in school, you would think that I would have all this time to myself, and do what I want to do for me me me....well it just seemed like I have had no time...
I have been running errands that are necessary, cleaning the house, no fun, and last week helped my brother 3 days in his 5Th grade classroom ( I really didn't mind it Tony don't get bent out of shape) just saying there has been no pedi, massage, lounging, shopping, naps etc...
For whatever reason this has happened, I told myself NO MORE!
I came down with a stomach bug on Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning, and I am just feeling better today. I took the boys to school, came back and sat on the couch and drank some tea! AHHHHH yummy chai, and I sat until now that I am at the computer. In a bit I need to get my brakes repaired, but the rest of the day will be spent on the couch and recovering from the tummy thing!
Just a quick update on the boys and school...apparently they are model students. The teacher told my mom yesterday, they are perfect students and Cade is excellent and following all instructions....who would have thought that the child who threw himself on the floor, is now the model student of his class...I knew he would be fine once he settled in. Of course Ty is always perfect so that one does not surprise me! I would rather deal with Cade my ":spirited child" issues at home then the teachers in the classroom...
Well, off to a nice lazy day. I have not had one of those since well, before TY was born and he is 4 1/2. Yeah! Don't you think it's time??
I have been running errands that are necessary, cleaning the house, no fun, and last week helped my brother 3 days in his 5Th grade classroom ( I really didn't mind it Tony don't get bent out of shape) just saying there has been no pedi, massage, lounging, shopping, naps etc...
For whatever reason this has happened, I told myself NO MORE!
I came down with a stomach bug on Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning, and I am just feeling better today. I took the boys to school, came back and sat on the couch and drank some tea! AHHHHH yummy chai, and I sat until now that I am at the computer. In a bit I need to get my brakes repaired, but the rest of the day will be spent on the couch and recovering from the tummy thing!
Just a quick update on the boys and school...apparently they are model students. The teacher told my mom yesterday, they are perfect students and Cade is excellent and following all instructions....who would have thought that the child who threw himself on the floor, is now the model student of his class...I knew he would be fine once he settled in. Of course Ty is always perfect so that one does not surprise me! I would rather deal with Cade my ":spirited child" issues at home then the teachers in the classroom...
Well, off to a nice lazy day. I have not had one of those since well, before TY was born and he is 4 1/2. Yeah! Don't you think it's time??
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
In my last post I talked about the book I was reading and the tips I was putting into far so good. Like I said, I have gotten a different perspective on my "spirited child", and I am much more relaxed about the situation thrown at me. I have stumbled and raised my voice, and even threaten to beat him (haha), but I haven't had to go that far... Since my last post, the boys have started school full time. Monday morning we got up, had breakfast, and got dressed for school. The boys are going to a private school and therefore wear uniforms. Well for those of you who know Cade, he likes certain things on his little body, and these poly uniforms aren't doing it for him. War was on! It was a battle, lots of laughing, and encouraging from Ty, and in the end, I won that battle, but the war was still on! So onto school. Anything that is a "first time" for Cade is going to be hard. We walked in to the school, and were greeted by Ty's teacher, and he was off. He turned to say "Bye you!" and he was off to his Pre-K Class. I was then greeted by Cade's teacher, who attempted to take Cade to his room when the war came to it's climax! Cade began yelling and crying, clinging on to me for dear life, and when he was pried off me, threw himself on the floor, and kicked and screamed NO! I moved away as he remained on the floor for other parents to witness. The more the teacher tried the louder he got. We both decided to leave him alone for a bit, and the parents coming in had to walk over him...can you imagine? Walking over him to get into the rooms...I was beside myself! He is dramatic, energetic and assertive child. I had to take myself out of the situation, and leave. The teacher recommended that I go. I called about 10:30 am, and he was fine. After his production, he got up went to the couch in the room, and settled down. When I went to pick them up, he was all smiles, and ready to go home. Yesterday and today, were fine. He is walking it, but going straight to the couch. He is however supposed to go to the table, but we have not gotten that far yet. The teacher say that when they begin the pledge, he comes to the table and does what he is told, so all in all it is just a show for mom, and attempting to show that he rules...SERIOUSLY! is all I have to much Drama! I think that the war is about over, since he wearing the uniform now without a fight, and I am not struggling anymore as of today...whew! oh and of course I WON! It may have taken a couple days, but I WON!! HA! He IS going to school, he IS wearing the uniform, and he IS NOT crying anymore. He is the type of child that need structure and routine, and these last few months have had non of that.
Jason had an MRI yesterday on his back..more to come with the results of that when I find out.
I have been trying to relax and enjoy my time off from the boys...I am so used to going and going, that I am having trouble just sitting. I find myself getting up to do things that are really not needed...I did however go out to find a job teaching yoga yesterday... My cousin owns a dance studio here, and she asked that I teach two classes at her studio a week, so that will be good. I will start that at the end of Aug, but I also went to the yoga studio here, so we shall see.
So for today, I am going to help my brother in his classroom, then to the movies with my sister-in-law to watch Mama Mia, then to lunch! yeah! I will be busy today, but great!
More to come the mean time be the best person you can be!! Let you iner light shine for all to see!
over and out!
Jason had an MRI yesterday on his back..more to come with the results of that when I find out.
I have been trying to relax and enjoy my time off from the boys...I am so used to going and going, that I am having trouble just sitting. I find myself getting up to do things that are really not needed...I did however go out to find a job teaching yoga yesterday... My cousin owns a dance studio here, and she asked that I teach two classes at her studio a week, so that will be good. I will start that at the end of Aug, but I also went to the yoga studio here, so we shall see.
So for today, I am going to help my brother in his classroom, then to the movies with my sister-in-law to watch Mama Mia, then to lunch! yeah! I will be busy today, but great!
More to come the mean time be the best person you can be!! Let you iner light shine for all to see!
over and out!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
In my spare time
So in my spare time (which is not that much) I have been reading this book, (along with many others- {I seem to do that a lot}) which was recommended to me by one of my friends in Austin, Rebecca Leddick, on kids. I have two totally different kids, and I have been at somewhat of a loss with Cade my three year old. Ty has been so easy to mold, brainwash and create that perfect image (haha), and with Cade it's like I know nothing and it's like I am starting from scratch with my first. Ty made being a new mom not easy, but I was able to pull from my bag of tricks, kept my fingers crossed, and was lucky that it worked. With Cade, this is a whole different level of bag of tricks that I am not prepared for. You know how they say that you are never really prepared for kids and such, well you are not, and I am at a complete loss with this one.
So anyway, the book is titled "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. So far it is fab! I have gotten some insight on my "spirited child". I have to say not only is it giving me in site on my own child, but people in general. I have taken classes on personalities and such which have been great, but this is different. Myself, being such a strong personality,(I know I know a surprise to most of you) I have a hard time bringing myself down to other personalities. I have gotten so much better, and continue to grow in that aspect, and now feel I can take it to another level with this book. This not only helps with Cade, but with my students in teaching yoga. I have come across all kinds, and I am fascinated trying to figure people out. It takes all kinds to make the world go around.
One of the topics that has stuck out for me is labeling. As a society we are so quick to place labels on things and people. I know I am quick to describe my children in a certain manner, be it with love, but non the less labeling. In the book it talks about redesigning labels. Replacing old negative labels with New and exciting labels. As I am writing this on a side note, so much of this ties into the philosophy of Anusara Yoga... everything is essentially good (yeah baby)...sorry for those non anusaraies....anyway replacing labels:
So instead of my describing Cade as "loud" I should say he is "enthusiastic" and "zestful". Instead of "demanding" I should say "Holds high standards". Do you know how hard that has been? How much thought it has taken on my part? Again we get into these labeling free for alls, and hard to get out of them...two of my favorites is instead of "WILD"-"Energetic" and "Impatient"-"Compelling"... I could go on and one, but basically these feelings and images of these new labels creates a better feeling and attitude about the situation at hand. It will feel better to be around a child who is "assertive"(stubborn) "dramatic"(explosive) "analytical"(whiny) etc...We can be more tolerant, open, and creative as a result. I have started to put this to play, and well, I'll keep doing it with a smile, and faith. I'll let you know as the days go on...
Cade is HUGE on positive reinforcement, and I can see that certain things are working and some not so much, but again work in progress.
So I am carrying this over into my marriage as well. Jason and I have a great connection and relationship, but things can always improve. Though there are quite a bit of similarities between Jason and myself, there are big differences. I am the one that doesn't shut up, and and wants answers now. Jason is the one that sits back, watches, listens, and takes time to answer. By me focusing on his strengths, I can take a positive effect on the things that can drive me crazy about my husband. We all have things that drive each other crazy, but it getting past them in a positive way...So instead of being annoyed that Jason doesn't always talk or comment etc, I can appreciate that he is "prudent" and perhaps "analyzing" the subject at hand. I can replace my impatience with deep respect that my husband is intelligent enough to make excellent decisions and creative solutions that are worth the wait. (ooohhhh pretty deep right?) Don't get me wrong friends, this will not be over night, but I am encouraged and determined to think this way. Fortunately my husband is also EXTREMELY patient, and knows that I am a work in I guess to come full circle, I have created my own monster with Cade that I need to change all the way around...well at least I have recognized it right?
Well lots of work ahead of me. Now I have to rest my brain so I can be up for the challenge!
Just some food for thought!
So anyway, the book is titled "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. So far it is fab! I have gotten some insight on my "spirited child". I have to say not only is it giving me in site on my own child, but people in general. I have taken classes on personalities and such which have been great, but this is different. Myself, being such a strong personality,(I know I know a surprise to most of you) I have a hard time bringing myself down to other personalities. I have gotten so much better, and continue to grow in that aspect, and now feel I can take it to another level with this book. This not only helps with Cade, but with my students in teaching yoga. I have come across all kinds, and I am fascinated trying to figure people out. It takes all kinds to make the world go around.
One of the topics that has stuck out for me is labeling. As a society we are so quick to place labels on things and people. I know I am quick to describe my children in a certain manner, be it with love, but non the less labeling. In the book it talks about redesigning labels. Replacing old negative labels with New and exciting labels. As I am writing this on a side note, so much of this ties into the philosophy of Anusara Yoga... everything is essentially good (yeah baby)...sorry for those non anusaraies....anyway replacing labels:
So instead of my describing Cade as "loud" I should say he is "enthusiastic" and "zestful". Instead of "demanding" I should say "Holds high standards". Do you know how hard that has been? How much thought it has taken on my part? Again we get into these labeling free for alls, and hard to get out of them...two of my favorites is instead of "WILD"-"Energetic" and "Impatient"-"Compelling"... I could go on and one, but basically these feelings and images of these new labels creates a better feeling and attitude about the situation at hand. It will feel better to be around a child who is "assertive"(stubborn) "dramatic"(explosive) "analytical"(whiny) etc...We can be more tolerant, open, and creative as a result. I have started to put this to play, and well, I'll keep doing it with a smile, and faith. I'll let you know as the days go on...
Cade is HUGE on positive reinforcement, and I can see that certain things are working and some not so much, but again work in progress.
So I am carrying this over into my marriage as well. Jason and I have a great connection and relationship, but things can always improve. Though there are quite a bit of similarities between Jason and myself, there are big differences. I am the one that doesn't shut up, and and wants answers now. Jason is the one that sits back, watches, listens, and takes time to answer. By me focusing on his strengths, I can take a positive effect on the things that can drive me crazy about my husband. We all have things that drive each other crazy, but it getting past them in a positive way...So instead of being annoyed that Jason doesn't always talk or comment etc, I can appreciate that he is "prudent" and perhaps "analyzing" the subject at hand. I can replace my impatience with deep respect that my husband is intelligent enough to make excellent decisions and creative solutions that are worth the wait. (ooohhhh pretty deep right?) Don't get me wrong friends, this will not be over night, but I am encouraged and determined to think this way. Fortunately my husband is also EXTREMELY patient, and knows that I am a work in I guess to come full circle, I have created my own monster with Cade that I need to change all the way around...well at least I have recognized it right?
Well lots of work ahead of me. Now I have to rest my brain so I can be up for the challenge!
Just some food for thought!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Fun Times with Daddy
We had such a great time with Jason. While Jason was here, Cade was all over him. It was nice to have a bit of a break....He loves his daddy!! After we got back from Austin, the rest of the week we hung out with family, Jason and I went out to dinner and a movie (the batman movie ROCKS!), and out to celebrate my sister-in-laws bday. Spent time at parks, and hung out at my brothers house. On Friday, we went to Sea World in SA, and then I had to take him to the airport on Saturday. I was really sad that he had to leave. I cried almost half way to Laredo.
I am already having some issues with Cade missing Jason. I knew it was going to be hard on him. Ty is so easy going, and is not as attached as Cade is to Jason. Oh well, back to schedule and routines with me and the boys. I will get to see Jason in Oct. for his graduation from Infantry school, then again for Christmas....hopefully getting ready to leave for the islands, unless he has more training....
Here are some pics from the last week including swimming lessons.
Ty before swimming lessons

Ty in the pool

Me and Claudia children's museum

Ty airline pilot

Cade playing grocery store

Me and my sister-in-laws (Veronica and Janie)

Jason and two of my brothers ( Mark and Tony)

AWWWW we look so good together!

Me and Tony (I can't get over how much we look alike!)

Me and Mark (We kinda look alike.)

Map checking at Sea World


Cade in pool- Can you believe it!

Ty sliding down slide

Ben and Ty

I had so many it was hard to choose! Boys start school next Monday (yipee) and I can have some time to myself! On to get ready to walk the kids I mean walk the dog and take the kids to the times!
I am already having some issues with Cade missing Jason. I knew it was going to be hard on him. Ty is so easy going, and is not as attached as Cade is to Jason. Oh well, back to schedule and routines with me and the boys. I will get to see Jason in Oct. for his graduation from Infantry school, then again for Christmas....hopefully getting ready to leave for the islands, unless he has more training....
Here are some pics from the last week including swimming lessons.
Ty before swimming lessons
Ty in the pool
Me and Claudia children's museum
Ty airline pilot
Cade playing grocery store
Me and my sister-in-laws (Veronica and Janie)
Jason and two of my brothers ( Mark and Tony)
AWWWW we look so good together!
Me and Tony (I can't get over how much we look alike!)
Me and Mark (We kinda look alike.)
Map checking at Sea World
Cade in pool- Can you believe it!
Ty sliding down slide
Ben and Ty
I had so many it was hard to choose! Boys start school next Monday (yipee) and I can have some time to myself! On to get ready to walk the kids I mean walk the dog and take the kids to the times!
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