SO a quick update...
Ty had a game Wednesday, but only to come out defeated...these kids were like 2nd graders..huge. We could not get a shot in. Our boys and girls played good D, but no baskets. We lost 2-0, so not to bad you see...of course cheered my heart out and lost my voice again..comes with being a sports mom!
Speaking of cheering..I am getting ready to put my high school cheer uniform on for a party tonight...I am giving my age away, but whatever! The uniform is 20 years old, and still fits...ROCK ON! I didn't have to spend on a costume! There may or may not be pics..we will see how many drinks I have (j/k)...LOL
Lots of fun to be had this festive party party!!
Oh another thing....special thanks to PAM for getting me hooked on facebook! Just what I needed another thing to update and surf any of you all on facebook...let's be friends!
K..that's all for now..caio!
oh more thing...
i accidentally sent everyone in the world a thing for which was a total accident!!! SORRY!!! IGNORE IT AND DELETE IT!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Little All Star
After practicing for a few weeks, the time has come...the first game of the basketball season. Game on at 5:15 so pre-game preparation went something like this:
* the all important "pep talk" (like I know Jason would have done)
** went potty
*** got the basketball uniform on (real uniform that is)
**** drank a big glass of milk like all sport stars do (I told him that anyway)
***** piled in the car off to the game.
Once we found parking we made a dash for the door..he could hardly wait!
There was still a game going on so the waiting was so intense...the team could hardly control themselves...
Our turn!
They dashed to the court in preparation for pre-game warm-up.
Player after player shooting their "free throws" oh so exciting!
Game on!
Ty was first string. Earlier when I picked him up the director of the school was so excited that he would start, and that it was mentioned he was the "team scorer" the pressure was on!
The coaches of the team switched out players every quarter. We had 2 minute quarters. Finally, in between falling all over the floor, comparing jerseys, dancing up and down, running around like chickens without heads, our team made a basket. YAY!! only to turn around and have the other team make a basket. BOO! Before we knew it, game over, BUT we had to go into overtime. PRESSURE ON! WHO was to win? WHO would make that tie breaker shot? WHAT team would come out victorious? WHO would take it all? Parents yelling, coaches yelling, kids running up and down court, time clock much pressure....50 seconds remaining we had the ball...dribble dribble shoot was coming from the intense. He gets the ball, he dribbles, he shoots-everyone holds their breath- HE SCORES!!!! The crowd goes wild, the team goes crazy, so crazy they forgot they still had a few seconds left on the clock...the other team gets the ball....they go up for the basket, they miss...timer goes off, and we win the game!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
SO that "HE" in the story is non other than my 4 year old TY ROBINSON! The boy that won it all ( OK I can say this I am his mom after all!) okay maybe not won it all, but at least won the game for the team.
He was so excited and could not wait to tell his daddy!
SO much fun was had that I have almost lost my voice...I am totally the cheering mom kind...really, I can't keep my mouth shut! Must be from 8 years of being a cheerleader...I don't know... just saying!
Well, another game tomorrow, wed, so we will see what it has in store for Los Pepitos School then!
More updates to come!
* the all important "pep talk" (like I know Jason would have done)
** went potty
*** got the basketball uniform on (real uniform that is)
**** drank a big glass of milk like all sport stars do (I told him that anyway)
***** piled in the car off to the game.
Once we found parking we made a dash for the door..he could hardly wait!
There was still a game going on so the waiting was so intense...the team could hardly control themselves...
Our turn!
They dashed to the court in preparation for pre-game warm-up.
Player after player shooting their "free throws" oh so exciting!
Game on!
Ty was first string. Earlier when I picked him up the director of the school was so excited that he would start, and that it was mentioned he was the "team scorer" the pressure was on!
The coaches of the team switched out players every quarter. We had 2 minute quarters. Finally, in between falling all over the floor, comparing jerseys, dancing up and down, running around like chickens without heads, our team made a basket. YAY!! only to turn around and have the other team make a basket. BOO! Before we knew it, game over, BUT we had to go into overtime. PRESSURE ON! WHO was to win? WHO would make that tie breaker shot? WHAT team would come out victorious? WHO would take it all? Parents yelling, coaches yelling, kids running up and down court, time clock much pressure....50 seconds remaining we had the ball...dribble dribble shoot was coming from the intense. He gets the ball, he dribbles, he shoots-everyone holds their breath- HE SCORES!!!! The crowd goes wild, the team goes crazy, so crazy they forgot they still had a few seconds left on the clock...the other team gets the ball....they go up for the basket, they miss...timer goes off, and we win the game!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
SO that "HE" in the story is non other than my 4 year old TY ROBINSON! The boy that won it all ( OK I can say this I am his mom after all!) okay maybe not won it all, but at least won the game for the team.
He was so excited and could not wait to tell his daddy!
SO much fun was had that I have almost lost my voice...I am totally the cheering mom kind...really, I can't keep my mouth shut! Must be from 8 years of being a cheerleader...I don't know... just saying!
Well, another game tomorrow, wed, so we will see what it has in store for Los Pepitos School then!
More updates to come!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
When You Put Your Mind to Something
So in my last entry, I talked about the class that KICKED MY ASS...well friends proud to say NO MORE!!! I went back to hip hop class Monday night, ready to take on the 150 sit up challenge....YEA BABY!! Kicked Ass and took names! I was able to get through all the reps and even jumped up at the end of it all. Last Thursday I could hardly get up off the floor...Not Monday, in fact, I jumped up and cheered (to myself of course) as all the high schoolers just looked with puzzled faces. I was pumped I made it through...I was determined! I won't be able to go to class this Thursday, buy will be back on Monday pumped and ready for more! Now I know why my cousin is a tooth pick...all this dancing and moving..whew!
My public yoga classes are going really well. I had a new student on Monday, so that was great. The regulars are really excited and want more and more... We are going through the principles, and we are on inner spiral right now. Next week outer fun! Now keep in mind these are all people who have never done yoga, so they are still learning their bodies, and how to move them....I have seen improvement all ready. It is really exciting!
Ty is on the basketball team for his pre-school. They have been having practice after school, and loves it! They begin the season next week so this will be interesting. They have been holding practice at the high school I graduated from. Being there has taken me back to the 80's (OK giving my age away) and remembering walking those halls and cheering in that gym...WOW! The school now has a new gym, but we are holding practice in the old gym which is used for PE classes. I have to say that it is a bit disheartening...the school looks really run down. I had a great 4 years there, but it is so not the same...sad! Oh well, life goes on. Taking a flashback was fun though. I was walking Cade around showing him where I took classes and hung out...he really didn't care, I was talking more to myself than anything.
Speaking of flashbacks, Halloween is around the corner, and my son TY is dying to wear his costume. He runs around the house with the mask, but I have yet to allow him to wear the full costume. He is going to be Iron Man...he is chomping at the bit!
Cade doesn't dress up. He refuses! He loves to see all the costumes, but doesn't want to wear any. Jason mentioned I should make a t-shirt that says "Don't do costumes, but will take your candy!" Oh my gosh...that is soooooo CADE!!!
Oh wait I started with "speaking of flashbacks". Yes back to that. I was convinced by a few individuals to do this, so for Halloween I will be wearing my high school senior year cheerleaders uniform. Yes it still fits, and it is intact. My mom has all my uniforms, but that is the only one that still fits. I have the pom poms, the socks, the bloomers everything. The uniform is 20 years old...can you believe it? It freaks me out to even say it! I may allow pics to be taken if so, I will think about posting, we shall see!
Anyway, off to errands and such...have a fab day!!! :)
My public yoga classes are going really well. I had a new student on Monday, so that was great. The regulars are really excited and want more and more... We are going through the principles, and we are on inner spiral right now. Next week outer fun! Now keep in mind these are all people who have never done yoga, so they are still learning their bodies, and how to move them....I have seen improvement all ready. It is really exciting!
Ty is on the basketball team for his pre-school. They have been having practice after school, and loves it! They begin the season next week so this will be interesting. They have been holding practice at the high school I graduated from. Being there has taken me back to the 80's (OK giving my age away) and remembering walking those halls and cheering in that gym...WOW! The school now has a new gym, but we are holding practice in the old gym which is used for PE classes. I have to say that it is a bit disheartening...the school looks really run down. I had a great 4 years there, but it is so not the same...sad! Oh well, life goes on. Taking a flashback was fun though. I was walking Cade around showing him where I took classes and hung out...he really didn't care, I was talking more to myself than anything.
Speaking of flashbacks, Halloween is around the corner, and my son TY is dying to wear his costume. He runs around the house with the mask, but I have yet to allow him to wear the full costume. He is going to be Iron Man...he is chomping at the bit!
Cade doesn't dress up. He refuses! He loves to see all the costumes, but doesn't want to wear any. Jason mentioned I should make a t-shirt that says "Don't do costumes, but will take your candy!" Oh my gosh...that is soooooo CADE!!!
Oh wait I started with "speaking of flashbacks". Yes back to that. I was convinced by a few individuals to do this, so for Halloween I will be wearing my high school senior year cheerleaders uniform. Yes it still fits, and it is intact. My mom has all my uniforms, but that is the only one that still fits. I have the pom poms, the socks, the bloomers everything. The uniform is 20 years old...can you believe it? It freaks me out to even say it! I may allow pics to be taken if so, I will think about posting, we shall see!
Anyway, off to errands and such...have a fab day!!! :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
SO I Thought I Was In Shape??
I was telling you all about my cousins dance studio where I am now teaching yoga classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings....well, she has been after me to take some of her classes.
Just a little history...I began dancing when I was two. My mom registered me for ballet classes with the local dance studio. Apparently for the first month all I did was parade around in my dance outfit, just kinda doing my own thing...I like to call it lyrical and expressive dance. Since all the other children were a bit more disciplined, my mom pulled me out and waited until I turned three. Much better I suppose, because I continued my dance career until I was eighteen years of age. I took all types from ballet to toe, flamenco to jazz. I went off to college, took some dance courses there, but decided to make my mark as a college cheerleader...but that is another story.
Back to the present: Since I really had not found a place to practice public yoga, and quite frankly I really don't kick my own ass like Christina would if I were in her public classes, so I need to find some other form to compensate. I decided to take my cousin's hip hop class....That's right you read it correctly...H I P H O P class.
I went Thursday evening, as my mom stayed with the boys. How bad could one hour class be?? The warm up great! The moves took me back to the 80's when I was in fact dancing and cheering at the same time. It was those get down moves. I for one love to dance. LOVE IT!!! I married a fab dancer (who knew for a white guy), so we are known to go out on the dance floor and bust a move here and there...I can shake what my momma gave me.
ANYWAY, I was able to keep up great with all the little high schoolers (16-18). I was moving and groovin' until we came down to the floor. The music changed, and we began the series of 150 sit ups and crunches...(excuse my language-never said this was a G rated blog) HOLY SHIT!!!! !&^%#&$))@&^$%@($&!!!!!! (those were a few other choice words that I will refrain from). As I was struggling after the first 60ish or was down hill! I looked around and these girls are jammin and moving while doing there break in between, transitioning from crunches to obliques, to coming up and back down to floor while keeping legs on floor....SERIOUSLY?? I was dying!! After it was said and done the sit ups that is, I laid there just laughing at myself as these kids popped off the floor. Talk about painful- body and fact it is two days later and I am still hurting! Boy was that a rude awakening?? You can betcha I will be ready for next week baby! Yes, I am going back, and not only am I going back on Thursday's, but I am starting Monday's as well. This chicky will be able to keep up with the teeny boppers! Just wait and see. I think it will be good. Practice yoga in the am daily and shake my bootie Monday and Thursdays... what could be better?? I guess yoga classes with Christina, but not an option so I work with what I have :)
Let you know how it goes!
Just a little history...I began dancing when I was two. My mom registered me for ballet classes with the local dance studio. Apparently for the first month all I did was parade around in my dance outfit, just kinda doing my own thing...I like to call it lyrical and expressive dance. Since all the other children were a bit more disciplined, my mom pulled me out and waited until I turned three. Much better I suppose, because I continued my dance career until I was eighteen years of age. I took all types from ballet to toe, flamenco to jazz. I went off to college, took some dance courses there, but decided to make my mark as a college cheerleader...but that is another story.
Back to the present: Since I really had not found a place to practice public yoga, and quite frankly I really don't kick my own ass like Christina would if I were in her public classes, so I need to find some other form to compensate. I decided to take my cousin's hip hop class....That's right you read it correctly...H I P H O P class.
I went Thursday evening, as my mom stayed with the boys. How bad could one hour class be?? The warm up great! The moves took me back to the 80's when I was in fact dancing and cheering at the same time. It was those get down moves. I for one love to dance. LOVE IT!!! I married a fab dancer (who knew for a white guy), so we are known to go out on the dance floor and bust a move here and there...I can shake what my momma gave me.
ANYWAY, I was able to keep up great with all the little high schoolers (16-18). I was moving and groovin' until we came down to the floor. The music changed, and we began the series of 150 sit ups and crunches...(excuse my language-never said this was a G rated blog) HOLY SHIT!!!! !&^%#&$))@&^$%@($&!!!!!! (those were a few other choice words that I will refrain from). As I was struggling after the first 60ish or was down hill! I looked around and these girls are jammin and moving while doing there break in between, transitioning from crunches to obliques, to coming up and back down to floor while keeping legs on floor....SERIOUSLY?? I was dying!! After it was said and done the sit ups that is, I laid there just laughing at myself as these kids popped off the floor. Talk about painful- body and fact it is two days later and I am still hurting! Boy was that a rude awakening?? You can betcha I will be ready for next week baby! Yes, I am going back, and not only am I going back on Thursday's, but I am starting Monday's as well. This chicky will be able to keep up with the teeny boppers! Just wait and see. I think it will be good. Practice yoga in the am daily and shake my bootie Monday and Thursdays... what could be better?? I guess yoga classes with Christina, but not an option so I work with what I have :)
Let you know how it goes!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's been a little while
So I have been in this funk of not wanting to get on the computer and blog...I have felt like I am saying the same things over and over again, because things are really the same around here...honestly, gotta tell you, it's really hard here without Jason! Not hard like I can't do it hard, but hard because I really miss him!! I see all these families together and husbands and wifes...I get sad...I think that's where my funk may stem from?? Besides, that the everyday ritual of:
I take the boys to school, I take my niece and nephew to school, run errands, sometimes take grandma places, pick up boys, homework, dinner, bath, books, bed. That's pretty much in a nutshell. SO there you have it!
I didn't feel like blogging, could not really find anything to say, but last week began a great change... I began teaching public yoga classes. It's been in the making for a while, and it finally started. I am really excited about taking the seat of the teacher again. My cousin has a fab studio and I teach and practice there. It's Lovely! The group is starting to grow, and I look forward to seeing where this goes! All the students are beginners beginners, so I can mold them into my just kidding!! We can really work on the basics and learn proper form and principles...It's gonna be GREAT!!
I know it's really hard to keep up with me when you can't read my happenings, but now you know why. You have not missed much! You really don't want to read the same things over and over again...AND...I still want you guys tuning in here and there!
I want to say thanks to Faith and Kara for your comments on my last guys are the best!! Miss you! I needed to hear that going into these new classes.
Here is a picture of the ad that was run in the local paper...

My butt looks really big and wide in the first pic, but I guess the second one is OK.
So there you have it folks. I teach on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9-10...come take a class. We are working on a eight weeks series and will go from there.
I take the boys to school, I take my niece and nephew to school, run errands, sometimes take grandma places, pick up boys, homework, dinner, bath, books, bed. That's pretty much in a nutshell. SO there you have it!
I didn't feel like blogging, could not really find anything to say, but last week began a great change... I began teaching public yoga classes. It's been in the making for a while, and it finally started. I am really excited about taking the seat of the teacher again. My cousin has a fab studio and I teach and practice there. It's Lovely! The group is starting to grow, and I look forward to seeing where this goes! All the students are beginners beginners, so I can mold them into my just kidding!! We can really work on the basics and learn proper form and principles...It's gonna be GREAT!!
I know it's really hard to keep up with me when you can't read my happenings, but now you know why. You have not missed much! You really don't want to read the same things over and over again...AND...I still want you guys tuning in here and there!
I want to say thanks to Faith and Kara for your comments on my last guys are the best!! Miss you! I needed to hear that going into these new classes.
Here is a picture of the ad that was run in the local paper...

My butt looks really big and wide in the first pic, but I guess the second one is OK.
So there you have it folks. I teach on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9-10...come take a class. We are working on a eight weeks series and will go from there.
Friday, October 3, 2008
All Things are Essentially Good
So besides having a kick ass teacher for my asana practice, an amazing founder that I have had the privilege to meet, and the best most fantastic kula ever, Anusara Yoga has taught me probably one of the most important life lessons...Find the good in ALL things!!!Based off the tantric philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga, all things are essentially good. We are part of the divine and therefore, created in likeness so forth and so on...
I preface this musing with this intro to tell the story of what happened yesterday morning.
I decided that I would venture off into the land of Laredo yoga. I had heard about the studio when I first moved here, went by during the mid morning-it was closed, called and spoke with one of the owners, and as to not get into details, was not to impressed in what I had seen and heard. I just dropped it and left it alone until this week. Wednesday night, I thought I would give it a second try, and go take a class on Thursday. After dropping off kids at school, I was on my way for an 8:30 am class, really excited and energetic, and ready to work. Afer coming back from CO I have been on this high, and I wanted it to continue. The title was "diverse yoga", which from the start meant nothing to me, but oh well let's give it the old college try, shall we!
I was greeted as soon as I walked in the door, and asked for my information. The instructor introduced herself to me, and told me about the class. Basically in their world, diverse is meant to tailor to the students. The instructor will look and assess the class then tailor to what is in front..OK whatever...
I entered into a beautiful yoga room, with candles lit, lovely music filling the room, and a wonderful wood floor and bamboo walls...oh what a nice setting. I had some time to center myself, and the class started. The instructor was very soft spoken (not what I am used to - no offense Christina you know I love you) which I actually had a hard time hearing. The movements were linked to breath (great), but we sat for the first 15 min of class stretching shoulders, neck, back..etc...definelty not an Anusara class, not dymamic movement linked with breath-(not that I was expecting it because in my first encounter the owner had never heard of Anusara Yoga). So when we finally stood up, and got moving, after one round of sun salutations, I was corrected on everything. I was the poster child in the room of what NOT to do. Apparently I have double jointed elbows (I never lock out my arms), my down dog was to long(I know how to gage length in DD), as I went into a slight backbend from standing, I was told I was compressing my lower back (which is highly unlikely if I was not feeling it and had pelvic loop going on), my caturanga-four limbed pose was aggressive (I just went down into caturanga people), and there is more that I really don't want to get into, but at the end of class, the kicker, I was told that I did have powerful practice, but that it's not always about physical. I needed to slow down, and find inner peace when in practice, and not be so aggressive, and leave ego at the door. I have always been taught from my teacher that when you are taking from another instructor, you are the student and you do what you are told. Of course I know enough to implement the principles with all that I do, but clearly this teacher did not know me or my background. Now by no means am I the greatest practitioner ever(did I say that out loud??), I know that I have volumes to learn, but I think I have the basics pretty down pact?? SO all this to say that I am sure she was coming from a good place, and it was a lovely experience that I shall remember for a while. I will use it grow and learn from. I have taken classes in other methods, not quite sure what method this was (she didn't either), but non the less, not the right class or instructor for me. I have had people come to my class once to never return again. That's okay, I don't take offense. I know that I am not the teacher for everyone. You all at Dell had no choice.(lol) I have often told my former students that you will know when a teacher is right for you. You must first listen to the Grand Teacher within, and all will fall into place! Om Namah Shivaya Gurave- I offer myself to the Light the True Teacher within and without. Anusara Yoga baby!
SO to come full circle, I have looked at the whole experience as good, and will use this to grow and flourish, and continue on this path thing called yoga! It's Gonna Be Great!
I preface this musing with this intro to tell the story of what happened yesterday morning.
I decided that I would venture off into the land of Laredo yoga. I had heard about the studio when I first moved here, went by during the mid morning-it was closed, called and spoke with one of the owners, and as to not get into details, was not to impressed in what I had seen and heard. I just dropped it and left it alone until this week. Wednesday night, I thought I would give it a second try, and go take a class on Thursday. After dropping off kids at school, I was on my way for an 8:30 am class, really excited and energetic, and ready to work. Afer coming back from CO I have been on this high, and I wanted it to continue. The title was "diverse yoga", which from the start meant nothing to me, but oh well let's give it the old college try, shall we!
I was greeted as soon as I walked in the door, and asked for my information. The instructor introduced herself to me, and told me about the class. Basically in their world, diverse is meant to tailor to the students. The instructor will look and assess the class then tailor to what is in front..OK whatever...
I entered into a beautiful yoga room, with candles lit, lovely music filling the room, and a wonderful wood floor and bamboo walls...oh what a nice setting. I had some time to center myself, and the class started. The instructor was very soft spoken (not what I am used to - no offense Christina you know I love you) which I actually had a hard time hearing. The movements were linked to breath (great), but we sat for the first 15 min of class stretching shoulders, neck, back..etc...definelty not an Anusara class, not dymamic movement linked with breath-(not that I was expecting it because in my first encounter the owner had never heard of Anusara Yoga). So when we finally stood up, and got moving, after one round of sun salutations, I was corrected on everything. I was the poster child in the room of what NOT to do. Apparently I have double jointed elbows (I never lock out my arms), my down dog was to long(I know how to gage length in DD), as I went into a slight backbend from standing, I was told I was compressing my lower back (which is highly unlikely if I was not feeling it and had pelvic loop going on), my caturanga-four limbed pose was aggressive (I just went down into caturanga people), and there is more that I really don't want to get into, but at the end of class, the kicker, I was told that I did have powerful practice, but that it's not always about physical. I needed to slow down, and find inner peace when in practice, and not be so aggressive, and leave ego at the door. I have always been taught from my teacher that when you are taking from another instructor, you are the student and you do what you are told. Of course I know enough to implement the principles with all that I do, but clearly this teacher did not know me or my background. Now by no means am I the greatest practitioner ever(did I say that out loud??), I know that I have volumes to learn, but I think I have the basics pretty down pact?? SO all this to say that I am sure she was coming from a good place, and it was a lovely experience that I shall remember for a while. I will use it grow and learn from. I have taken classes in other methods, not quite sure what method this was (she didn't either), but non the less, not the right class or instructor for me. I have had people come to my class once to never return again. That's okay, I don't take offense. I know that I am not the teacher for everyone. You all at Dell had no choice.(lol) I have often told my former students that you will know when a teacher is right for you. You must first listen to the Grand Teacher within, and all will fall into place! Om Namah Shivaya Gurave- I offer myself to the Light the True Teacher within and without. Anusara Yoga baby!
SO to come full circle, I have looked at the whole experience as good, and will use this to grow and flourish, and continue on this path thing called yoga! It's Gonna Be Great!
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