My mom came in Saturday morning to help with the boys since I had immersion all weekend and Jason had some crazy papers due this week for school. I am really gonna miss that..."hey mom can you come watch the boys this weekend" can I still do that from Hawaii??
So Saturday morning, that change that I have been dreading begins. Since we found out that we were moving to Hawaii, we have been getting rid of things, donating and such, but one of our bigger dilemma was my truck. Now you have to know that I love my truck! I have been happy with my truck and my truck has been happy with me. In no way did I want to give up my truck, nor was I ready (it's like one of those things like having a baby, you are never really ready), but it really makes no sense to take that baby bus to Hawaii...that's what Jason says anyway. I don;t mind so much being marked the girl with the only suburban on the island - I am sure plenty people have big SUV's on the island right?? Well the long of the short of it is will end up eating us out of house and home with the gas prices up there, and honestly I don't really need to be lugging that huge end there on the island. Where are we going to be traveling to anyway. SOOOOOO, we got rid of my beautiful Suburban and purchased the Land Rover. So I have had a rover before, great trucks, but I was so attached to my suburban, that I was really sad. Here are a couple pics...

So out with the old and in with the new...I am working on non attachment here, and I am failing miserably...I keep comparing it to my truck, and it is driving Jason CRAZY!!! Jason is so over this obsession to my old truck!!! I am endeavoring to move on, and I will keep trying until I overcome! I just need to GET OVER IT! I mean seriously it is a vehicle..who cares right? The Rover will still get me and the boys from point A to point B right? Okay so writing this makes me feel a tad bit stupid, but I am only human anyway so there! We all have things to work out.
My mom had a fab time with the boys playing trains, army men, catching bugs, playing outside etc...she left Sunday afternoon. The downside to her coming is that I didn't spend much time with her. I was able to catch up with her at dinner Saturday night. We went to Waterloo and let the boys run amuk on the outdoor playground, but I was so tired from the immersion, that all I could do was keep my face from falling into my food! Good Times!
So we come to the immersion part of the weekend...FUN and EXHAUSTING all at the same time. I really missed seeing everyone and Christina, but the 3 hour practice each day was well let's say intense! It was awesome but draining at the same time ( I know I have done that a couple of times- that "same time" thing). Don't get me wrong I love to get into intense arm balances, invigorating inversions, and always up for a challenging twist or two, but three hours each day, whew! I can tell you that my body is still feeling it today! This is a good feeling, the next day, but now I am kinda over it now.
So off to a new week, with more change to come. This week is my last week to teach all my public classes(tear). Talk about hard! I have become so attached to these students (ok here is the attachment issue again), that this change is really going to be difficult. I love to practice yoga, but to be able to have the gift of teaching is something that I really am not ready to give up yet. Some of these students I have had for almost a year...that's a mighty long time. All I can do is breathe and remain in an inverted position for hours a day to get past this (huh Scott). Read more about it as I go through withdrawals over the next few weeks...
The boys and I leave for my moms on Friday...I will be gone for a few weeks, but have access to computer, so all is good!!
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