I returned back to Austin Friday mid morning just in time to make it to my weekend workshop with Desiree Rumbaugh. So can I tell you how excited I have been about this..I get to learn from Desiree Rumbaugh! For those of you who don't know her, she is a senior teacher in the Anusara Method and travels all over the world to give workshops and to help others through yoga therapy. Let me tell you people she is AWESOME!!! What an incredible woman who through yoga and commitment to self has overcome some of the worst challenges life has to bring. Throughout the weekend Desiree talked about life and what types of challenges and barriers it throws us, but does it really throw them to us? (here is where the reflection part of my blog surfaces). As we go throughout our own individual journey, the choices we make and the paths that we take all have cause and effect. Some of us have harder times than others why? Well, if you think about it (like it did) we have caused it ourselves. One comparison that Desiree made was "why did I get dealt this and she get dealt that?" "Am I not as good a person like she is?" If you think about things in that sense, it can make you feel like the gods are in it for you. Looking at it through different eyes, you may come to the realization that we reap what we sow, or we have brought it upon ourselves. At that point then really who do we have to blame? Now by no means am I suggesting that we consciously do these things or that we want to make life difficult for us, but it happens. Paths we take, choices we make. We can choose the outcome by thinking positive and like Desiree says "being super human". Trying to find ways to make changes in our lives for the better, instead of pulling out the "poor me" card. Take a stance folks! No more drowning in sorrows and negativity. If something bad happens to you, get up on your feet, brush it off )I tell my boys that all the time) and make a change and a difference in your path! You know that's not a bad way to life, the hard part is doing it. Easier said than done, I know, but not impossible. I have seen it before my eyes within Desiree this weekend!! She has overcome death and injury to name a few, and you know what, she is happy...WE CAN TOO!!! Apart from the inspiration to live life to the fullest, and be HAPPY, she is a KICK ASS yoga teacher. Now I have thrown myself into this method because I believe it, I have seen the changes it has made within myself both emotionally and physically, and I love the people that it draws. The good vibes you get when you walk into the room. We were packed like sardines this weekend, but no one cared. There was so much positive energy, I wish I could have bottled it up and taken it to use when I really need it! How exciting that we can use yoga as a means to create these changes and these dynamic results that we want for ourselves.
I can go on and on, but I know you all don't have all day to read this blog...soooo
Here are a few pics from this weekend
me and my teacher Christina Sell (another BAD ASS TEACHER)
we almost look like twinkies with our hairdo's (smile)
Austin Anusara Kula (only some we are much bigger and stronger)
Me and Desiree
Desiree in Pinca Mayurasana (feathered peacock pose)
dude look at her arm muscles!
Needless to say I had a blast and have felt the effects and are still feeling them.
Enough for now...go out and make some changes!!
Wow. After seeing all these pictures, I told Lyndon that when Dylan finally goes to school this fall, I'm picking up a new hobby...Yoga!
Yeah, it can be pretty intense, but fun yoga tricks can be learned!
You will really love it!!!
her arm muscles?! i couldn't stop staring the muscles in her back. holy moly!
loved reading your reflections, even if i am a little late. =)
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