Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Day in the Life...

Once upon a time there was a beautiful sleeping princess waiting for her true love to give her that awakening kiss....oh wait, that is sleeping beauty. Okay, so there was this short, cute, and rather sassy girl who loved the color red, (which by the way wore a darling BCBG red hood and cape) was taking a lovely peaceful walk all by herself, and was scared to death by a giant wait, that's little red riding hood. Okay one more try: Once there was a girl who had two extremely active boys, and she ran around chasing them like a chicken with it's head cut off all day until the two darling little critters decided to hibernate for the night...YEAH that's life! Okay so what do those two stories have in common with me.... well really almost nothing, but I love the beautiful princess part, the whole kiss deal, and for those of you who know me the color as I knew it prior to kids is long long gone. As my new life emerged with the birth of my first then soon to follow the second, what a drastic was rather scary, ever changing and ever evolving. I look forward to the new adventures and challenges only a mother can experience. So just to give you an idea of one of my days, yesterday although pretty uneventful since the boys are in school, was non the less still challenging. The boys needed a TB test (tuberculosis) for the pre-school they will be attending in the fall, so off the peds we about fun! After two rounds of screaming and crying, (mind you both had to have it and dad couldn't make it) I had to offer and promise the moon and the stars to get them to calm down.... so after it was all said and done, I spent the rest of my evening at Chuck E Cheese. Now I know you all that don't have kids or whose kids are now grown are really jealous that I got to go to such 5 star venue for now, somehow you need to get over it. I know it won't be easy but........... eat your heart out!! hehe
Once we got home, the typical 4 B's-bath, brush teeth, books, bed!
Now after a full nights sleep (you know I look forward to it) I spend some time this morning writing as I have the 3 year old trying to punch the keys as well....what ever happened to fairy tails, and being swept off your feet and all that good stuff??

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