Friday, January 23, 2009

Things going swimmingy!

So the boys have been in school, counting today, for three days. The first day, Wednesday, was a bit rough for Cade (as I knew it would be), but fine for Ty. Cade is my spirited child who is a bit slow to adapt, and very senstive. As far as his strong qualities go, he is persistant, zestful, assertive, perceptive, and very passionate. With that in mind, you can just imagine what his teachers are in for. As for Ty, he made friends. He can't tell me their names just yet, but it's a boy who is "a tall 5" and a pretty girl who has "dark hair and brown eye's" like him. He will fit right in and be teacher's pet for sure. Cade is a man of few words, but I know his day was fine because I get a report home daily.
Today we walked in just fine. I have been droping off Ty first since it is my "easy drop off" and then walk down the hall for Cade. Mr. Potato head was waiting for Cade at his seat. Yesterday was play dough...Cade's other love (besides his trains). The children have to sit in their seats until all kids are in and they begin school. That is a bit challenging for him...he is very energetic! Ty on the other hand...well what can I say he rocks! He is so adaptable and flexible. Those are his strong qualities. He is going to be 5 next month going on 15. He is my big helper. Love my boys!! They are night and day...always keeping me on my toes. I'm not gonna lie to you, it is the hardest job that I have ever had, but it has made me a stronger person!
Today after school we head back up to the mountains. It is my father-in-laws bday, so we are gonna hang out up there. Jason will meet us up there this weekend.
I found a gym, so I will start next week, with possible subbing opps for yoga. Can't take on full time since my stay here is temporary!
Well, off to pack and get ready to go. Gotta get some time in to read my book..oh so juicy! I am reading Twilight, and wow! I have had a hard time putting it down. I am half way through...I am hoping to finish it this weekend since Jason can deal with boys...hehe!
I'll let you know what fun things trasnspire this weekend :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Living in the South-ish...

So my friends we are finally settled in! We are now in N. Augusta, SC. The house we are renting for the next 5 months is great! The boys share a room and we have a play room for them as well. We were lucky to find a fully furnished place here since our stuff is still in storage. It was a wonderful change to wake up to a yard full of snow. The boys were really excited!! Oliver was not that thrilled! I took some pics...I'll post later...
Jason is back in Columbus and will be coming on the weekends...bummer. He moves here for good in March, and we will stay put until June...whew! What a world wind!
I am comfy for now, and the good news is the boys start school tomorrow. I was able to find spots for them at a preschool 5 days a week half days. The system is really weird here, so I am excited. I looked at 4 schools and liked this one second best. The one I really liked only have 2 days for Cade and 5 for Ty...wanted to keep them together, and everyday...Cade was ready to begin the moment he walked in the door...tomorrow is not coming fast enough for him (truth be told I can't wait myself-I have not had a break since we left Texas at the beginning of the month.
Stay tuned as I learn my way around this place...adventures behind every door!

Monday, January 12, 2009

BRRRRR it's cold!!

So I woke up freezing my touche off this morning...20 degrees! SERIOUSLY not used this being from TX and all! This mini vaca has been great! We are all set to move into a house in Augusta GA on Friday. I will be getting the boys back in school, and getting back to a routine. Jason jooins us on the weekends as he will not report there until March 9th. SO anyone that wants to come visit this neck of the woods, we have a 4 bedroom hizzle...but you have to do it before June 8th cause' that's when Jas graduates. We received orders and will be report to Hawaii July 9th. I was told the Oliver has to begin the process 90 days out to ship overseas. I have to have a microchip put in him, and a few other vaccines that I will be getting a list of...geez!
So more to come and updates as they occur!
Love to all!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Update

So here is the deal~
I am in GA now with my much coming up in the next months...
Augusta, Ga until June. Jason graduates June 8th or 9th.
We are to report to Honolulu, HI July 9th. ALOHA!!!
More to come as time goes by...
Who is coming to visit??
Adios Tejas!
Hola Hawaii!