Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am SOOOOOOO overdue for a post! I just can't get into a good flow with this. It seems like I do, and then I don't know, I just don't. I know that most of you are on FB and we keep up with each other that way, but for those that are not...oops, sorry!
So my bday came and went...whatever another year gone. Jason's bday came and went...movies with the boys...monsters vs aliens 3D. School for the boys...going, and OH, my external hard drive died! I cried for days, and still have not gotten over it! Hard drives stink!!!
And so for me, I'm just hanging out, just being a student and not teaching...it sucks! I really miss it! What can I say..I like telling people what to do!!! (LOL)
I miss my friends, I miss my family, I miss my students...I can go on and on!
Moving SUCKS! I guess this is turning out to be a venting missive...oh read on or not!
Speaking of moving...Hawaii in two months. So much to freaking do, and my head hurts! Dilemma with Oliver moving there, timeline for vehicles being shipped, schedule our stuff in storage to be released (btw will be there 1 year in may), and of course scheduling our flights...make this GO AWAY! I just want to be there and not deal with any of this! I have to keep telling myself that I expand and grow from these "bumps in the road"...but whatever..I DON"T WANT TO GROW RIGHT NOW!! I just want to have a drink a go to bed!
OK so sorry with the "poor Jen" post! I know it has been a while, but this is all I have to say for now!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's amazing how labels come around

So it's Sunday evening and not much to report from this weekend. The weather was less than desirable, so not much action with the Robinson's. Jason's and Ty's first full week is over with in school, and all is good. Cade begins school tomorrow, and to prepare him, Jason attempted to give him a haircut. Let's just say "torture chamber" and hair everywhere! Cade DOES NOT like to have his haircut. He has sensory issues, and cutting his hair is a big one! End result...good not great, but good. Thanks Honey for taking one for the team!
Speaking of Cade, I wanted to write about my experience and appointment with him on Thursday.
For those of you who have been following, I put the boys in school back in Jan when we first got here, and it did not go well. Cade was immediately labeled Autistic, after only 12 hours of being there, and they felt he needed to be screened. Cade is my spirited child who has a wonderful personality, but will give you a run for your money. He is very goal-oriented, perceptive, and selective in who he associates with. This teacher really was not up for the challenge and in my opinion (coming from a former educator not mommy) she is not qualified, nor could she have taught Cade anything! Anyway, based on that I was a bit concerned, so I went ahead and set up a screening. You know how it is when you know something in just not the case even if someone has said it is the case?? Well, that what it was for me. I knew that Cade was not Autistic, even though he was being labeled. I needed something in writing....proof if you will. So I took him to an initial screening, which in turn was followed up by a secondary screening which took place on Thursday. There was a child psychologist, speech pathologist, and an occupational therapist. Long story short, after two hours of tests, he is NOT autistic! The speech pathologist did bring up speech delay, which was no surprise. I was even the one who brought it up to them to begin with. That I can live with...fixable!
Anyway, I am thrilled that I have my answers, and I wish I could go back and show it to this poor excuse for a teacher, but there is not point! I know my son and what he needs, ad I am really hoping this new school and new teacher will be able to fill those shoes. Cade is really great once he allows you to get to know him!
That's all for now...peace!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

School school and more school

Sorry I have been away from the computer, but since Jason got here on Friday, we have been really busy catching up with like everything! I actually had a day to myself on Saturday, which was fabulous, and since then hanging out with the boys. Jason started his class on Tuesday. The beginning of our transition to Hawaii has started. I cannot believe that I am really going to Hawaii. I say it, see it in writing, but truly still has not hit me. Him going through this training is the last step closer to paradise! These last few years of Jason going to school has been a bit rough at times, but I know good things lie ahead!
So anyway, speaking of school, I found one for the boys as well. Since the situation with Cade in Jan ( you know the teacher that was out of her mind), I have been VERY selective with my decision this time. I think that this is the one. Ty started this past Tuesday, so he and Jason started the same day. Cade will start on Monday. The boys would have started on the same day, but today Cade had an appointment, and I didn't want to start him, pull him out, then take him back. If it was Ty, he would be fine, but Cade has an adjustment period, and so starting Monday is going to be best. He has been with my to take Ty to school, and voices that he wants to go too, so we shall see.
I will write more tomorrow on Cade's appointment cause it's a big deal, but no time right now, and I really want to write about it! Other than everyone starting school, it is really great having the family together again. It's been a while, so we are enjoying it. I like this area, and it will work for the next 3 months...then aloha!
Thanks to all who check in with my blog from time to time...I appreciate you keeping track..Love to all!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Horray for March!

March the first... I can't belive it! I am really glad that it is here cause that means that my hub gets to move here. We (the fam) have been apart for 9 months. There have been stints that we have been together here and there. He visited for a month in Nov, came for Christmas for a couple of weeks, moved us to SC, and of course in Feb, our world wind tour to Orlando. Still, I have missed him much, and so have my boys. Truth be told (honey you know this) I am ready for some help! Ok so don't get me wrong, I miss and want my hubby with me, so it is really not just the help...really it's not...but, I need some time for me! Anyway, he gets here this Friday the 6th. I already have a full day planned for me, myself and I on Saturday!!! Knitting class, hair appointment, Starbucks, shopping...etc.
Yes I said knitting class. I started yesterday, Saturday, and I will tell you what...harder that I thought. Still, expanding my skills and creativity. It's a four week course, so we shall see...supposedly I will have a scarf or two out of this. I know I know, who need scarfs in Hawaii, well there is such a thing as a summer scarf people! Light, thin and colorfull...quite the accessory...that is my goal anyway. Next I will be taking up sewing..I have plans for these new skills that I am aquiring! Plans Plans Plans! That is all I will say for now. I also have some fantastic jewelry making classes...I am learning to work with wire and sterling silver..so much fun....before you know it I will have my own line of clothes and accessories!
SO here's to the week that will probably go as slow as a snail because Jas will be coming home, but here's to it anyway!
The weather has been nasty so not much going on here as far as activities. I have been making and repairing some jewelry (which I went through my own this am, and wow, I have accumilated some). Busy day tomorrow. Oliver begins th process for Hawaii. Blood work and micro-chip tomorrow, then onto phase 2. More to come on that.
Everything falling into place! It's about DAMN TIME!