Wednesday, August 13, 2008


In my last post I talked about the book I was reading and the tips I was putting into far so good. Like I said, I have gotten a different perspective on my "spirited child", and I am much more relaxed about the situation thrown at me. I have stumbled and raised my voice, and even threaten to beat him (haha), but I haven't had to go that far... Since my last post, the boys have started school full time. Monday morning we got up, had breakfast, and got dressed for school. The boys are going to a private school and therefore wear uniforms. Well for those of you who know Cade, he likes certain things on his little body, and these poly uniforms aren't doing it for him. War was on! It was a battle, lots of laughing, and encouraging from Ty, and in the end, I won that battle, but the war was still on! So onto school. Anything that is a "first time" for Cade is going to be hard. We walked in to the school, and were greeted by Ty's teacher, and he was off. He turned to say "Bye you!" and he was off to his Pre-K Class. I was then greeted by Cade's teacher, who attempted to take Cade to his room when the war came to it's climax! Cade began yelling and crying, clinging on to me for dear life, and when he was pried off me, threw himself on the floor, and kicked and screamed NO! I moved away as he remained on the floor for other parents to witness. The more the teacher tried the louder he got. We both decided to leave him alone for a bit, and the parents coming in had to walk over him...can you imagine? Walking over him to get into the rooms...I was beside myself! He is dramatic, energetic and assertive child. I had to take myself out of the situation, and leave. The teacher recommended that I go. I called about 10:30 am, and he was fine. After his production, he got up went to the couch in the room, and settled down. When I went to pick them up, he was all smiles, and ready to go home. Yesterday and today, were fine. He is walking it, but going straight to the couch. He is however supposed to go to the table, but we have not gotten that far yet. The teacher say that when they begin the pledge, he comes to the table and does what he is told, so all in all it is just a show for mom, and attempting to show that he rules...SERIOUSLY! is all I have to much Drama! I think that the war is about over, since he wearing the uniform now without a fight, and I am not struggling anymore as of today...whew! oh and of course I WON! It may have taken a couple days, but I WON!! HA! He IS going to school, he IS wearing the uniform, and he IS NOT crying anymore. He is the type of child that need structure and routine, and these last few months have had non of that.
Jason had an MRI yesterday on his back..more to come with the results of that when I find out.
I have been trying to relax and enjoy my time off from the boys...I am so used to going and going, that I am having trouble just sitting. I find myself getting up to do things that are really not needed...I did however go out to find a job teaching yoga yesterday... My cousin owns a dance studio here, and she asked that I teach two classes at her studio a week, so that will be good. I will start that at the end of Aug, but I also went to the yoga studio here, so we shall see.
So for today, I am going to help my brother in his classroom, then to the movies with my sister-in-law to watch Mama Mia, then to lunch! yeah! I will be busy today, but great!
More to come the mean time be the best person you can be!! Let you iner light shine for all to see!
over and out!


Pamela said...


I feel your pain & and I am admire your work to read and study and grow. I will offer one piece of advice from this old mom of 3 boys ... I had a marvelous Kindergarten teacher that said something to a nervous mom once that has stuck with me. It was one of those moments like you described with Cade ... the child was upset, the mom was hanging close by and that particular mom said to the teacher that she would need to stay all day for her son.

The teacher said, "Well, you are certainly welcome to do that but in doing so what you are saying to your son is that you don't think this is a safe place for him to be and you don't think he is capable of handling it without you. By dropping him off with a quick hug & a kiss and leaving, you are sending him an important message."

I loved this idea. Not to mention that much of what they do is for show and drama for you. Once there is no audience, it will usually subside pretty quickly. It is so hard though.

This too shall pass and then you'll be like me, sending off an eager young man to college and YOU will be the one crying. It goes by OH SO FAST.

Love you,

Jeremiah Wallace said...

Ah yes, Pam the old mom. HA! Sorry Pam, you just jumped into that hole! Now but seriously, it just makes me think of myself as a child and all the way through young adulthood even to today in some ways. Many times, you just can't save your kids. They may want you to save them and they may beg and scream and holler, but they really do want to do it on their own. I think it comes from certain children (and people) as a fear of hurting themselves by branching out into the unknown. Though these things may come easy for Ty, Cade will eventually learn that not only will he have to be in that situation, but he will have to choose more and more on his own to walk into the classroom. Don't be surprised if he is the same on some level throughout the rest of his life. Hmmm... is this comment for you and your kids, or for me?

Jen said...

I can always count on my kula to give me advice and make me feel better!! Thanks to you both, and though things are getting better, I know throughout his little life for the next few years will be a battle, until he learns how to deal on his own... Love you and miss you!