Thursday, August 28, 2008

WOW time flies

So I can't believe that it has been over a week since I have blogged...where has the time gone??
I have been busy, and some days not so busy...I have spent some good time with my grandmother that I would not have if the boys were with me. We have been to lunch and shopping...I LOVE SHOPPING!! It is so funny how my shopping has changed. Before I would buy only for me, and not think about anyone else. Now, I walk into a store, and think about my boys. My grand purchase for the day was cookie cutters. Giant cookie cutters with the letters of the alphabet in stainless steel. It has been raining here, and how fun would it be to make cookies with the boys in their initials and decorate with icing?? Great indoor activity! I'll let you know how it goes. For those of you laughing right now..stop! I know, my grandmother and I laughed a bit too, but I can do this..I know I know, it has never been my forte, but I want to now...that's the difference! Going back to my grandma, she has always been a big part of my life. She is the best grandmother in the world! (of course I would say that!) Now that she is a bit older (88), she can't move as fast, but that does not stop better step aside when that walker comes your way! Anyway, needless to say, we have had some fun! On the days that I was around the house, I have been working on my immersion questions (these are the ones that I need to turn in toward the next step in my certification process). I am enjoying looking up the one's that I am not sure about, and I am loving the fact that I know a bunch...who knew? I guess it is all up there somewhere in my head!?
So let me tell you what has been weighing heavy on my heart. I was watching TV the other day (can you believe it, and it wasn't Thomas the train, or shrek or any cartoon) and on this talk show they are having a contest about a life experience that has happened to you, good or bad, that has changed your life forever. I could not help but begin to cry. We all have our stories and our experiences that we have been through. I truly believe that they are vital in out growth and our learning. The outcome of mine was falling in love, getting married, and have two wonderful boys! My story is to long to go through right now, but perhaps for another musing? The long of the short of it is .... LIFE IS TO SHORT! I learned that we never know what curves life brings, and we should always live the best life we can day by day! We all go through our daily routines, sometimes not stopping to realize that we just went through this whole week without reaching out to someone, telling someone how you feel about them, giving a hug, a compliment, or just extending a had out to someone. FOLKS WE NEED TO!! I know that I am guilty of this and I need to be better at it. For a while I was and then you get so wrapped up in the mundane things that you forget the important ones. After thinking long and hard I have made some decisions, and I will put some actions in to play. I want to live each day like I won't have another...I hope you do too!
Going back to the contest, the winners will have song written about their experience by a professional songwriter and get flown to NY...pretty cool!
Not that I will enter, but if anything...something to think about!


Bekaboo said...

That's wonderful the time you're getting to spend with Mima. Will always be great memories.

I love reading your blog cause it helps remind me of the things I need to be doing, and are not due to getting wrapped up in the mondain things. Thanks for the snap back to reality!

Bekaboo said...

crap I misspelled mundane. is it friday yet?