Monday, August 4, 2008

Fun Times with Daddy

We had such a great time with Jason. While Jason was here, Cade was all over him. It was nice to have a bit of a break....He loves his daddy!! After we got back from Austin, the rest of the week we hung out with family, Jason and I went out to dinner and a movie (the batman movie ROCKS!), and out to celebrate my sister-in-laws bday. Spent time at parks, and hung out at my brothers house. On Friday, we went to Sea World in SA, and then I had to take him to the airport on Saturday. I was really sad that he had to leave. I cried almost half way to Laredo.
I am already having some issues with Cade missing Jason. I knew it was going to be hard on him. Ty is so easy going, and is not as attached as Cade is to Jason. Oh well, back to schedule and routines with me and the boys. I will get to see Jason in Oct. for his graduation from Infantry school, then again for Christmas....hopefully getting ready to leave for the islands, unless he has more training....

Here are some pics from the last week including swimming lessons.

Ty before swimming lessons

Ty in the pool

Me and Claudia children's museum

Ty airline pilot

Cade playing grocery store

Me and my sister-in-laws (Veronica and Janie)

Jason and two of my brothers ( Mark and Tony)

AWWWW we look so good together!

Me and Tony (I can't get over how much we look alike!)

Me and Mark (We kinda look alike.)

Map checking at Sea World


Cade in pool- Can you believe it!

Ty sliding down slide

Ben and Ty

I had so many it was hard to choose! Boys start school next Monday (yipee) and I can have some time to myself! On to get ready to walk the kids I mean walk the dog and take the kids to the times!


Pamela said...

Okay, I love your hair. Did you cut it? You look fabulous. A few days with your honey obviously did you good. I miss you,


Jen said...

Thanks, but I haven't done anything with the hair...I miss you too..and hope to see you soon :)