Thursday, March 12, 2009

School school and more school

Sorry I have been away from the computer, but since Jason got here on Friday, we have been really busy catching up with like everything! I actually had a day to myself on Saturday, which was fabulous, and since then hanging out with the boys. Jason started his class on Tuesday. The beginning of our transition to Hawaii has started. I cannot believe that I am really going to Hawaii. I say it, see it in writing, but truly still has not hit me. Him going through this training is the last step closer to paradise! These last few years of Jason going to school has been a bit rough at times, but I know good things lie ahead!
So anyway, speaking of school, I found one for the boys as well. Since the situation with Cade in Jan ( you know the teacher that was out of her mind), I have been VERY selective with my decision this time. I think that this is the one. Ty started this past Tuesday, so he and Jason started the same day. Cade will start on Monday. The boys would have started on the same day, but today Cade had an appointment, and I didn't want to start him, pull him out, then take him back. If it was Ty, he would be fine, but Cade has an adjustment period, and so starting Monday is going to be best. He has been with my to take Ty to school, and voices that he wants to go too, so we shall see.
I will write more tomorrow on Cade's appointment cause it's a big deal, but no time right now, and I really want to write about it! Other than everyone starting school, it is really great having the family together again. It's been a while, so we are enjoying it. I like this area, and it will work for the next 3 months...then aloha!
Thanks to all who check in with my blog from time to time...I appreciate you keeping track..Love to all!