Thursday, April 17, 2008

Awesome departure

This is a quickie (no not that kinda quickie), cause I gotta go pack for my two week visit much to take, and so not enough room....I miss my truck! okay back to the blog at hand...
So my Dell Kula (community) had a little going away party with leis and everything. I got Lei'd! We all got lei'd!! Scott brought ice cream bars (there is a story behind that), and I got a awesome wall plaque that says NAMASTE from all my students...I LOVE IT!! The card was one of a kind, hand made just for me...Thanks Z and all of you! On the front it has a port o potty on a dried up piece of desert. The girls took it and added Hawaii stickers and made it look great...the inside says " when you gotta go, you gotta go." everyone signed the inside..thanks for all your kind remarks..I love the "screaming sea cow" remark Simon!
So I wanted to rock the house for out last practice, and I even joined in with them as our celebratory departure practice. I told you guys I would post the sequence, and I will at the end. We did a 35 min or so standing and arm balance sequence with like one rest, and then hit the floor...AWESOME! Everyone was jammin'....I am so proud of what you all have accomplished in your practice and how far you all have come. A true testimony to your commitment to the practice and your will to continue to grow. So the story about the ice cream bars: After my very first class I taught at Dell (mind you very new to Dell, to teaching, to all of it), one of the students, Scott, tells me that the instructor before me would bring ice cream every week to share with them...I didn't quite know what to say. As time went on I realized that it was just Scott and his "way". I never brought ice cream and heard about it all the time. As January came around, I decided to bring Iced Fruit Bars and surprise the class for the new year, and guess who was not in class...he totally missed it.
So here we are our last class, and Scott brings Dove ice cream bars..YUM!! He finally got his ice cream and he had to bring it himself..wait, Scott, did you even eat one??
So we took pics take a look:

okay not letting me upload pics..apparently not working right now according to blogger updates..I will post when I can
All in all great day!
Surya Namaskar- Sun Salutations
-Tadasana mountain
-Uttanasana standing forward fold
-Chaturanga Dandasana
-Urdhva Mukha Svanasana upward facing dog
-Adho Mukha Svanasana downward facing dog
Like 4 times I think
In the mix
-Lunge deep
-Virabradrasana 1 warrior 1
-Virabradrasna 2 warrior 2
-Trikonasana triangle
-Wild Thing Flipping dog
-Malasana squat
-Bakhasana crow
Like twice
-Twisting lunge
-Vashistasana side plank
-Binding Lunge
-Eka Pada Koundinyasana (chaturanga arms)
on the floor seated
-baby cradle
-draw knees back
-Eka Hasta Bujasana
-Paschimottanasana seated forward bend
-Marichyasana 1 forward bend
on backs
-Setu Banda bridge
3 with variations
I think that covers it??
Love to all


ScottK said...

I didn't get a Dove bar, but I did get one -- actually 3!-- of the Snickers ice cream cones. So I made out all right.
trayah laksanaa

Jen said...

Those are yummy too...hard to decide...but three...seriously??
You better do an extra hour of asana to work it off...hehehe