Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bird of Paradise- Dell Rocks

This weeks theme for my classes will circle around CELEBRATION. Celebration of ourselves, celebration of each other, and celebration of this time together as teacher and students. We are making it a point to celebrate the big things in our lives and the small things in our lives. Both have equal reason to celebrate!!
In this blog I really want to give KUDOS to my Dell class!!! These guys can take a challenge and run! Perhaps not smiling the entire way, but non the less I know that I can give them a challenge, and they are there. I have up the standards over the last few weeks( since I am leaving soon), and given them poses to really have fun with and challenge them (though at the time they don't think it's so much fun...the challenge they will agree with). I hear it often from Scott, and i think Danny made a comment about Screaming Pigeon last week. So Monday's class sequence was great as we lead up to our big pose "Bird of Paradise". I wish I had a pic to show you, but not an easy pose. They were all champs! Z, Faith, Cara, Danny rocked! We celebrate those big things as a class and support one another. There was cheering and good energy in the room. Kudos to Scott, Tina, Simon and the rest for trying and stopping at the appropriate level that is right for you...good studentship and a smart practitioners!! You all work hard and the rewards will come! We celebrate and honor our bodies by taking care of it so we are ready for the next challenge (cause there will be more on Wednesday..he he). I'm gonna miss you guys!!! (tear)


ScottK said...

You "upped the standards"? That is an understatement. I firmly believe that you have been trying to kill us so that you can bury us and dance about on our graves while whistling a happy tune. But seriously, I have enjoyed the challenge.

Jen said...

Seriously...here I was saying how tough you were...challenge on!