Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rest and Relaxation- NOT

I woke up on Tuesday morning thinking to myself "what do I have to do today?" and low and behold...NOTHING!!! Yeah a day without somewhere to be early in the morning, some activity for the kids, or errands that come and go. I knew I had to teach my evening class at the Y, but the day was all mine, well Ty and Cade's too. So what to do?? Of course I headed for the couch, but was sideswiped by the boys, high jacked and forced into playing inside, playing outside, playing upstairs and playing downstairs some more...whew I was tired...ALL I WANTED WAS MY COUCH A BLANKET AND A PILLOW. Mind you I was still recovering from my immersion weekend, so doing nothing was not really panning out for me. One fab thing was we didn't get out of out PJ's until about 11:30. NICE!!! But really who had time?? So much for nothing to do!
So Cade's class this week and next are studying nursery rhymes. The parents are in on this one. I have to go to the school and present Hey Diddle Diddle to the 3 year fun! We worked on his project some (very cute I might add) and then I was determined to get some time for rest before I had to go teach. So I wanted to relax on the couch and watch a really good movie before getting ready. As the votes came in....the movie of choice- Alvin and the Chipmunks. What do you expect when you have was between that and the Water Horse- which we had already seen. Believe it or not the chipmunks was a really cute movie..I did enjoy it.
On to prepare- so many things crossing my mind about my evening class at the NW Y, what to do, what to say for my last class (tear).
My students have come such a long way!!! This is a intro to yoga class, but now, not so much! I am so proud of them. I decided to give them a potpourri class, with poses that lead up to a big arm balance towards the end...I was amazed at the focus, drive and strength they all had!! Bakasana (Crow) pose- yeah!. We had been having fun and laughing so I think that really helped. We celebrated the big victories and celebrated the small ones. Most students had not been in this pose. Everyone in the room tried. Kuddos to John, you nailed it! I am so proud of all of you for trying and knowing your limits!! Linda, Maria, and the rest. Awesome!! To my surprise, I even got gifts (love getting gifts). John the roses are fabulous and Maria the yummy lotion and spray are awesome...I will use some today :)
Off to get started with my day..Jason took the boys to school since he will be picking them up after school because I will be staying after my noon class for a party...I LOVE PARTIES (especially when they are for me..he he)


Bekaboo said...

I'm so bummed I missed Tuesday's class! Now I shall not have my last hurrah with my favorite yoga teacher. *sniffle* I'm so glad I was able to attend your classes. I've even caught myself explaining the light I've found inside me to a few of my friends. Thanks really. :-)

Jen said...

So missed you in was fun! I love the fact that you recognize that inner light! That beauty that we all have needs to be apparent more often to others that come along our path. I hope you continue on your journey and more and more of the True Self will be revieled to you...Love you!