Friday, October 3, 2008

All Things are Essentially Good

So besides having a kick ass teacher for my asana practice, an amazing founder that I have had the privilege to meet, and the best most fantastic kula ever, Anusara Yoga has taught me probably one of the most important life lessons...Find the good in ALL things!!!Based off the tantric philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga, all things are essentially good. We are part of the divine and therefore, created in likeness so forth and so on...
I preface this musing with this intro to tell the story of what happened yesterday morning.
I decided that I would venture off into the land of Laredo yoga. I had heard about the studio when I first moved here, went by during the mid morning-it was closed, called and spoke with one of the owners, and as to not get into details, was not to impressed in what I had seen and heard. I just dropped it and left it alone until this week. Wednesday night, I thought I would give it a second try, and go take a class on Thursday. After dropping off kids at school, I was on my way for an 8:30 am class, really excited and energetic, and ready to work. Afer coming back from CO I have been on this high, and I wanted it to continue. The title was "diverse yoga", which from the start meant nothing to me, but oh well let's give it the old college try, shall we!
I was greeted as soon as I walked in the door, and asked for my information. The instructor introduced herself to me, and told me about the class. Basically in their world, diverse is meant to tailor to the students. The instructor will look and assess the class then tailor to what is in front..OK whatever...
I entered into a beautiful yoga room, with candles lit, lovely music filling the room, and a wonderful wood floor and bamboo walls...oh what a nice setting. I had some time to center myself, and the class started. The instructor was very soft spoken (not what I am used to - no offense Christina you know I love you) which I actually had a hard time hearing. The movements were linked to breath (great), but we sat for the first 15 min of class stretching shoulders, neck, back..etc...definelty not an Anusara class, not dymamic movement linked with breath-(not that I was expecting it because in my first encounter the owner had never heard of Anusara Yoga). So when we finally stood up, and got moving, after one round of sun salutations, I was corrected on everything. I was the poster child in the room of what NOT to do. Apparently I have double jointed elbows (I never lock out my arms), my down dog was to long(I know how to gage length in DD), as I went into a slight backbend from standing, I was told I was compressing my lower back (which is highly unlikely if I was not feeling it and had pelvic loop going on), my caturanga-four limbed pose was aggressive (I just went down into caturanga people), and there is more that I really don't want to get into, but at the end of class, the kicker, I was told that I did have powerful practice, but that it's not always about physical. I needed to slow down, and find inner peace when in practice, and not be so aggressive, and leave ego at the door. I have always been taught from my teacher that when you are taking from another instructor, you are the student and you do what you are told. Of course I know enough to implement the principles with all that I do, but clearly this teacher did not know me or my background. Now by no means am I the greatest practitioner ever(did I say that out loud??), I know that I have volumes to learn, but I think I have the basics pretty down pact?? SO all this to say that I am sure she was coming from a good place, and it was a lovely experience that I shall remember for a while. I will use it grow and learn from. I have taken classes in other methods, not quite sure what method this was (she didn't either), but non the less, not the right class or instructor for me. I have had people come to my class once to never return again. That's okay, I don't take offense. I know that I am not the teacher for everyone. You all at Dell had no choice.(lol) I have often told my former students that you will know when a teacher is right for you. You must first listen to the Grand Teacher within, and all will fall into place! Om Namah Shivaya Gurave- I offer myself to the Light the True Teacher within and without. Anusara Yoga baby!
SO to come full circle, I have looked at the whole experience as good, and will use this to grow and flourish, and continue on this path thing called yoga! It's Gonna Be Great!


Faith Chenault said...

You are the Grand Teacher! Just skip Hawaii and stay in Austin! :)

Chad and Kara said...

We miss you so much in Austin. I went to the new instructor in Round Rock last night. She's not Jen..but has a very similar practice.. that I miss a lot. :)