Monday, July 21, 2008

I love pictures

Here is just a photo blog entry of some of my favorite pics of the last few months....

Splish Splash not takin' a bath

Batman in the house

Cupcakes r yummy

Hook Em J


Look mommy no swim trunks

yep, there's my belly

Cade at best

Austin Tricycle

Jas & Beka

AWWWW aren't we cute!

Just a couple of drinky drinks


Jeremiah Wallace said...

OH! Everyone looks so happy!

BTW, I talked to my mom again and she was just exaggerating what she told me. However, I apparently didn't walk until I was about 15 months old. She said that I may have crawled, but she NEVER remembers me crawling, and being that she is the woman that raised me, I imagine her perception is pretty accurate. :-)

Pamela said...

Okay these pictures are awesome. I love the one without the swimming trunks!

Jen, it was so much having you stay here this weekend. I love that we have blogs to keep up.

Jeremiah... I'm laughing outloud at your comment!


Pamela said...

EGADS ... Wait a second ... my comment is supposed to say 'it was so much FUN having you stay here this weekend!" not "it was so much having you stay" BIG DIFFERENCE!

It was nothing BUT fun, my dear!!!


Bekaboo said...

OMG how cute are the boys! I always love pics with nalgahides showing.

Ok can I be honest? When I saw the pic of us I had no idea where, and when that happened. It took me about 20 min. till the light bulb finally went off. Aw yes good times!

Jen said...

whew pam...i thought for a minute, i did pick up my towels, and left the room clean, and bought groceries, and had wine with her...what more should i have done.?! I really really enjoyed my stay....Fun times, Fun times!! thanks for your hospitality~

jeremiah, thank goodness, i still had this image if you rolling around everywhere!

Beka-FUN TIMES!!! and I too love nalga-hides