Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poetry in Motion

This past weekend I was in San Marcos with Christina for a teacher training "part two". This was a continuation from the one I attended in June. I can't even begin to tell you how great it was to be with my Kula again. The more that it settles in that I am gone from Austin for a long while, the more I miss my Anusara community. I love the fact that I can walk into a room, people are happy to see me, we are all excited catching up, and even though we are all different, we are all there for the same reason....the first day was such a reminder of that, as well as we really aren't all that different.
Anyway, one of the exercises that we had to do was bring in your favorite poem to class. Oh SHIT! Do nursery rhymes count. As I went through in my head- hey diddle diddle, Mary had a little lamb, jack be nimble...dam nothing is working! This point in my life folks with two toddlers. That is the closest to "poems" that I have gotten in a while. Besides the fact that my daily routines and such were turned up side down with my first born, things like reading, journaling, naps, etc, have gone down the toilet as well. I barely get time to go to the bathroom by myself....
So I was staying with Pammy, who is the queen of inspiration and writing, asking for her help, she through like 5 books at me (really didn't throw), so that I could go through. This was the morning that it was due, and I was doing this right before we left. Totally had forgotten the night before. Pam also pulled out folders in which she was keeping inspirational pieces that she has collected over the years....WOW! Going through books, articles etc. I found this one...It really hit home for me. Others did too, but this spoke to me, and is in conjunction with the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga. For Anusara Yoga to be Anusara Yoga there are certain ingredients that need to be present (just like pound cake story- ha external linking~for those in my training). Heart based themes are a big/main ingredient. According to the philosophies that inform Anusara Yoga ( I got that line down pact), everything is good. We are part of the Divine being all Good, and therefore we are all Good! So this poem hits that home for me.

Being Human Is Being Special
by Naomi Drew

I look in the mirror and who do I see,
My very own person who looks just like me.
I look at my eyes, I look at my face,
Knowing that no one on earth or in this space
Is quite like I am, one of a kind.
My body is special and so is my mind,
Each person alive has something to give.
We each make a difference each day that we live.
I love myself and I love others too.
The world is a special place,
'Cause it has me and you.

*tear* *sniffle* I just really love it!
So off to swimming classes...more later on Inspiration and stuff.

~Special thanks to Pam, and to Christina for much inspiration and helping my knowledge and thoughts grow and expand beyond my boundries and my box!

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